About Zalman Shneur

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So far Zalman Shneur has created 6 blog entries.
5 03, 2020

Are Our Students on the Outside Looking In, or On the Inside Looking Out?

2021-03-08T10:29:18-05:00March 5, 2020|Blog Post, Story|

Today, Tes Adar, marks 80 years to the day that the Frerdiker Rebbe arrived in America. At that time, American Jewry was, borrowing the terminology of the Rashbatz, “on the outside,” but not necessarily looking to come in.

3 04, 2019

By Leaps and Bounds: A Pesach Message

2021-03-08T10:50:59-05:00April 3, 2019|Blog Post|

By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, The name of the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach derives from the word meaning “and Hashem will leap over.” Rashi in his commentary explains further: “The festival is called Pesach because of [Hashem’s] leaping.... Therefore, perform all its aspects in a manner of bounding and leaping.” Pesach has a special characteristic of leaping beyond the boundaries of regular limitations.

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