Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5784 Recordings

Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5784 Recordings



Featured Videos:
● Mechanchos on the Front Lines: Thank You from Eretz Yisrael
● Kindness and Joy


  • Welcoming Lunch: Chinuch with Joy, Opening Remarks with Rabbi Yossi Marlow
  • Ask the Rav – Anash and Chedarim: Halachic and Hashkafic Questions in Chinuch by Rabbi Yossi Marlow
  • Beyond the Behavior: Understanding Why Our Students Do What They Do by Mrs. Henny Bartfield MS.Ed:
  • A Chinuch infused with Joy: Tools for teaching with Meaning and Positivity by Rebbetzin Yehudis Golshevsky:
  • Gala Chinuch Banquet: Keynote Address by Mrs. Sara Pinson, Musical Tribute: Chaviva Tarlow
  • Simcha in Chinuch: A Mother – Daughter Yud Beis Tammuz Farbrengen


  • The Joy of Chassidus: Starting your Day with a Yud Beis Taamuz Maamer by Rabbi Yossi Marlow
  • Reclaiming your Joy: The 3 Building Blocks of Bitachon, Community and Endurance by Chanie Wilschanski
  • 60 Minutes, 60 Tips: Technology, Chumash Review Games and Student Independence by Mushka Heidingsfeld, Chaya Kramer, and Liba Rimler
  • An Overview of the Zekelman Standards for Tanach: Ways to Enrich & Differentiate Teachings of Torah Texts by Dr. Sara Rosenfeld
  • Understand and Teaching the ADHD Brain in a way that will benefit ALL your students by Nechama Salfer
  • Peek through the Cracks: Letting the Joy in by Devorie Kreiman
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