What the Menachem Education Foundation Will Do with the Funds they Raise

As the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) raises $1 Million for Chabad Chinuch in their “Success in Chinuch Starts with MEF” campaign, they share what they plan to do with the funds they raise. Donate now at Charidy.com/mef.
What the Menachem Education Foundation Will Do with the Funds they Raise 

At MEF, your dollars turn directly into impact! View the full report of what they accomplished with the funds raised last year, and find out what they plan to do with the one million dollars being raised today, their most ambitious goal ever:  

1) Training Teachers: 

Invest $250,000 in their reimagined Teacher Training Program, where they will recruit and train a new generation of teachers, and also make mentorship, consultation and workshops for schools more accessible than ever before. 

2) Empowering School Leaders: 

Run the women’s Hakhel Chabad School Leadership Retreat in Great Neck, Long Island on Jan. 15-16, and schedule the parallel retreat for men this winter. MEF also plans to launch an aspiring principal training program, to build a pipeline for new leadership of Chabad schools.

3) Providing a Jewish Education

Expand enrollment in Jewish Day Schools nationally and internationally, through the Our Heritage matching grants program, and work on strategic planning for funneling and retaining new enrollment.

4) Building Social-Emotional Health 

Launch Year 1 of the “Project TOMiM” curriculum to the Jewish Day School and Yeshiva market, while continuing to develop and expand additional curriculum and training for social-emotional learning. 

5) Raising Learning Standards

Rebrand and refresh ZekelmanStandards.org, adding new resources and functions to aid usability for teachers, while launching a multi-year project to create a complete, standards-based Chumash curriculum.

6) Chabad Chinuch Convention

In honor of Hakhel, aim for 600 in-person participants and 200 online participants at the 8th annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, scheduled for August 7-8, 2023 -כ – כ”א מנחם אב, this summer.

7) Shnas Hakhel – Uniting Educators 

Create in-person farbrengens and events for educators throughout Shnas Hakhel, while growing their existing online opportunities for educators to connect, learn and recharge. At the same time, MEF plans to organize networking between Chabad school boards in the spirit of Hakhel to collaborate and exchange best practices. 

8) Mental Health Awareness

Facilitate additional cohorts to train in the Mental Health First Aid program, and repeat and expand MEF training on the Crisis Protocol for Chabad Schools.

9) Recruitment and Building Capacity 

Recruit top talent into Chinuch through direct job placement services as well as building the brand of Chinuch, and focus on buildinga flourishing pipeline of new energy for the Shlichus of Chinuch.

10) Growing their Impact 

Continue to build MEF’s team of educational, executive and programming talent in order to maximize their impact on Chinuch, and reach out internationally to increase impact across borders and time zones.

Now is your chance to make this all happen. 

Donate to MEF’s largest-ever fundraising campaign for the success of our children at Charidy.com/mef. 

2022-12-08T10:36:13-05:00December 8, 2022|News|

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