MEF’s Biggest Campaign Ever: $1 Million for Chinuch

Thirteen years ago, the Menachem Education Foundation made a commitment to be there for your child. To champion Chabad Chinuch across the board and do what it takes to create a robust Chinuch system for all.

They say Tzedakah starts at home. We agree. Investing in your child’s Chinuch starts with your child’s school, your community, and the Moisdos that directly benefit your family.

But what about the framework that supports those Moisdos, enabling YOUR child to learn from well-trained and inspired teachers, be led by skilled and knowledgeable principals, and be supported by social-emotional resources that enable them to thrive?

Thirteen years ago, the Menachem Education Foundation made a commitment to be there for your child. To champion Chabad Chinuch across the board and do what it takes to create a robust Chinuch system for all. We have trained hundreds of teachers, enhanced the brand of Chinuch through acclaimed conferences, attracted top talent to the field, and helped facilitate a vibrant community where your child’s Chinuch can thrive.

Success in Chinuch Starts with MEF.

Chinuch is deeply personal, yet the underlying challenges to improving Chinuch can only be tackled on a communal level. It can be complex for a single teacher to find appropriate training, but as a community, we can build top-tier teacher training programs. A principal may face tremendous individual pressures but by joining a cohort of peers, they can support one another to benefit entire schools. Developing universal standards for Torah learning or developing Chassideshe curricula for social-emotional learning can ONLY be done through the power of HAKHEL.

Now is the time to invest COLLECTIVELY in the future of Chabad Chinuch.

We invite you to join us on 12-13 Kislev, December 7-8 for two days of giving as we invest $1,000,0000 in the success of our children’s Chinuch.

Donate now to get the giving going and ensure the success of our campaign:

2022-12-08T10:21:34-05:00December 8, 2022|News|

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