Chinuch Deserves More than a Million

As a community, where do we put our millions? On big shiny buildings? On media and outreach? All of those things are important, but today, our community is showing us what really counts. And it’s Chinuch.

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Today, Chinuch does.

A person is known “בכוסו, בכיסו, ובכעסו” – where a person puts the contents of his “pocket”, meaning what they spend their money on, tells us a lot about who they are.

As a community, where do we put our millions? On big shiny buildings? On media and outreach? 

All of those things are important, but today, our community is showing us what really counts. And it’s Chinuch.

By making Chinuch a millionaire, we are making a powerful statement – to ourselves, to our children, and to our future:

That sometimes the things that can’t be quantified, like the inner growth of our students and their connection to Torah and Yiddishkeit, are the things that matter most.
That just like Yehuda stood up unequivocally for Binyomin, we will not allow any Jewish child to be left behind.
That inreach is just as important as – and indeed, the precursor for – outreach.
That we have the backs of our kids, our teachers, and our moisdois by investing in strong support systems for Chabad Chinuch.
That we take responsibility not just for today, but for tomorrow – and our community’s tomorrow depends upon Chinuch.

Today, Menachem Education Foundation would like to thank our community for helping us raise $1 million for Chinuch. If you haven’t yet, please make your donation at to help us get there, and with the outpouring of community support that we’ve seen, we are sure that you will!  

As you read in our previous communications, every dollar you gave already has an address – whether in a classroom resource, a newly trained teacher, a stronger leader, or a public school child accessing Torah Chinuch for the first time. But all that is just the beginning. 

The Rebbe often quoted, “מי שיש לו מאה, רוצה מאתים – he who has one hundred, desires two hundred.” In Chinuch, the need is great and the opportunity is endless. So there’s no reason for us to stop.

So as a community, let’s keep investing in Chabad Chinuch. Let’s keep  showing our children what really matters to us. You can still donate to MEF today, and to your local Moisdois Chinuch tomorrow, and strengthen Chinuch every other day of the year.

Because, after reaching one million, who wants to be a billionaire? In our community, we are proud to say that Chinuch does. 

Donate to “more than one million” at

2022-12-08T11:05:13-05:00December 8, 2022|News|

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