The Educator’s Haggadah: Part 1 – Setting the Stage
The entire purpose of the Pesach Seder is Chinuch - V’higad’ta Livincha. Every step, carefully crafted and placed in the Seder, holds wisdom for educators to take with them for [...]
Teaching Navi: Stories, Skills, or Something Else?
Hayom Yom of 19 Adar I says, “Chassidim, even those of average spiritual stature, used to be thoroughly knowledgeable (baki) in the Tanach…It was their regular custom to read chapters of Tanach while putting away their tallis and tefillin. Their schedule enabled them to complete the entire Tanach in three months.”
MEF Hosts Women’s Donor Appreciation Event
The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) recently hosted a Women's Donor Appreciation Event to celebrate and express heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated supporters. This gathering was unique in that it was not a fundraiser, but rather a special evening devoted to acknowledging the significant contributions of MEF's women donors, whose commitment plays a crucial role in enabling their work.
Ask the Mechanches: Mrs. Gitty Meyers
My daughter has friends who are bullying a classmate. What’s the best way to help her navigate the situation—doing the right thing without losing friends?
5 Ways to Grow Like A Tree & Be An EverGrowingEducator
5 Ways to Grow Like A Tree & Be An EverGrowingEducator
Meet Our Heritage Student of the Month: Sabrina
"In a Jewish school, everyone is nicer and the teachers care a lot more about you. I also like Jewish learning because it is a lot of writing and I love to write. I also like Parsha because I get to learn different stories about the Jewish history."
MEF Teacher Recommended Books
With Hei Teves coming up, how can you make an informed decision about which books to bring into your home and classroom? We asked teachers to share their best books and here's a list of their recommendations!
Bringing the Text to Life
Teaching Tip: By Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator Making texts feel more meaningful and engaging in honor of Hei Teves: This month, we celebrate the return of the seforim, and we celebrate learning. [...]
How do we keep our children from being influenced today by Western culture?
The key is always adding light. Me’at ohr doche harbe choshech—a little light dispels much darkness. When we fill our homes and our children’s lives with the kedusha, light and warmth of Torah, Mitzvos, and Chassidishe chinuch, the influences of the outside world naturally fade away.
“Stay on Track: 3 Ways to Check for Understanding in the Classroom”
Don't let your students' learning journey end with a surprise "recalculating"—check the map as you go.
Bringing a Chassidishe Yom Tov to Life
The example set by Morah Raizel Wolvovsky OBM
Meet the Chinuch Shliach – Rabbi Yisroel Menkes
Please introduce yourself: I teach Kita Aleph at Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch of Montreal, Canada, and I have been teaching for 14 years. Did you always want to be a [...]
Supporters of Our Heritage Gather to Ensure Jewish Education for Every Child
Supporters of the Our Heritage program gathered at the home of Shmuly and Yael Brummel for an evening dedicated to ensuring every Jewish child receives a Jewish education. The Our Heritage program focuses on helping children transfer from public schools to Jewish day schools, providing them with financial support and a nurturing environment where they can grow with a strong connection to Torah, mitzvos, and Jewish values.
Meet the Chinuch Shlucha:
Please introduce yourself. Name, school and how long you have been a teacher My name is Morah Rivky Eilenberg, and I work at Magen Yisrael in Long Island. I’ve been [...]
Mechanchim Uplifted and Appreciated at Banquet
Mechanchim are at the front lines of building our community from the inside, but as their work is often behind the scenes they don’t always get the appreciation they deserve. [...]
Over 400 Educators attending the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad! 7 Reasons Not to Come… Debunked by Past Participants!
In just two weeks is the 9th Annual International Kinus Mechanchos Chabad and Retreat, on July 17-18, 11-12 Tammuz. Over 400 educators have signed up already, but a few have [...]
Kinus Mechanchos Chabad Tracks
Register now at!
My Ten Commandments of Teaching
Teaching Tip by Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator My Ten Commandments of Teaching I wrote these up for myself, so that I always have my “personal commandments” to refer to. I encourage [...]
Ask the Mechanech: Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz, Educational Consultant Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch
Ask the Mechanech: What are ways to ensure your child has a positive and enriching summer camp experience? Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz, Educational Consultant Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, responds: The Rebbe [...]
Meet Shaina Baumgarten, Preschool Teacher at Silverstein Hebrew Academy, Great Neck, NY
Please introduce yourself. My name is Shaina Baumgarten. I have been working in preschool for over 20 years, primarily with 2-year-olds. What is your Chinuch philosophy? I believe that teaching [...]
Why Group Work Is A Must in 2024
Teaching Tip by Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator Some teachers hesitate to introduce more group work in the classroom. Reasons for that can be the discomfort of students unwilling to collaborate with [...]
Meet the Mechanech – Rabbi Nossin Hoen
Please introduce yourself- I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with my wife Ilana and seven children. I am currently a second-grade Rebbi in Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh. How many years have [...]
Chinuch Matters: Meet Mrs. Chanie Minkowicz, Teacher at Beis Rivkah of Crown Heights
Please introduce yourself. My name is Chanie Minkowicz from Crown Heights. I have been teaching since I came out of Seminary and currently teach 7th grade at Beis Rivkah. Teaching [...]
Ask the Mechanech: Choosing the Right School
How can I choose the right school for my child? And what if I live in a community with only one school, how can I make it work for my [...]
A Pesach Message from Rabbi Zalman Shneur
As we prepare to celebrate the Pesach, “Zman Cheiruseinu”, our hearts are filled with reflection and contemplation. These past six months have been fraught with challenges unlike any in recent [...]
How Jewish Schools Improved
The following is an excerpt from Rabbi Yossie Denburg's Blog, Timeless Torah. Rabbis often romanticize about the past. They reminisce about the “good-old-days” and bemoan how everything has gone downhill since [...]
Educators Share Lasting Impact from the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad
The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) has announced its 9th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, to take place on י”א -י”ב תמוז, חג הגאולה, תשפ”ד, July 17-18, 2024, at the Hilton Stamford [...]
Meet the Chinuch Shliach: Rabbi Shmuly Ceitlin
Where did you grow up and what are some of your favorite childhood memories? I grew up in Toronto, Canada, which was a relatively small community at that time. I [...]
Ask the Mechaneches – Ensuring a Successful Summer
How can we ensure our teenagers who are counselors in camp have a productive summer that enhances their growth? By: Mrs. Dena Gorkin, Principal of Bnos Chomesh Academy There [...]
How Do We Measure Growth? Part II
Chinuch From the Inside Out: As seen in the EmBRace Magazine By: Mrs. Chanah Rose Read Part I Here All or Nothing Another potential pitfall to the checklist mentality, that [...]
How Do We Measure Growth? Part I
Chinuch From the Inside Out: As seen in the EmBRace Magazine By: Mrs. Chanah Rose In the quest to measure, track and encourage the growth of our students and [...]
Ask the Mechanech
How do we explain troubling events to children, such as what happened in 770? Answer by Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, CEO and Head of School of Yeshiva Schools in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [...]
Helping Our Students Connect
י’ שבט: Helping Our Students Connect The Rebbe wrote to teachers: “Happy is your lot that השגחה עליונה has placed you in the most fortunate position of one engaged in [...]
The Gift of Tefilla
The biggest question that educators ask today is how we can foster our students’ Yiras Shamayim. While there is no magic wand, I have seen so many students profoundly impacted when they started to put effort into Davening. To help you bring this kind of impact into your classroom, here are the 4 Ps that you can think about when teaching Tefilla:
Why I Chose Chinuch
Twenty aspiring Mechanchim participated in the program led by Rabbi Levke Kaplan, receiving individualized mentorship, completing over 30 courses in Pedagogy, and gaining hands-on classroom experience. The program equipped them [...]
Temporary Structures, Lasting Impact:
What Sukkah Building Teaches Us About the First Year in Education As my son and I swiftly assembled our Sukkah this year, the process felt almost routine—quite a contrast to [...]
The Role of Mechanchim and Mechanchos on the Front Lines
What can we do about the crisis in Eretz Yisrael? The Rebbe taught us in the response to previous wars in Eretz Yisroel that we do have the power to [...]
The Shofar’s Empowering Call for a New School Year
By Rabbi Avremi Popack As the shofar's powerful call rings out during Elul, heralding our traditional new year, classrooms worldwide buzz with the palpable excitement of a new school year. [...]
For This Couple, Chinuch Shlichus is Their Life
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Zalmy and Mashie Frankel (nee Marcus) both teach at Bader Hillel Academy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and compare it to their days in Crown Heights. This [...]
Thank You to Our Teachers
You planted, You watered, You waited And watched. You planned and You brainstormed, Prepared and Progressed, Instructed, Inspired, Directed, Stepped back. You wondered You worried, You [...]
The Listening Test: How to Make Sure Our Students Feel Heard
As teachers we’re in the best position to show our students that we’re on their team. How can we listen to our students non judgmentally, and make more time for [...]
How to View Our Students – A Chinuch Perspective from Rabbi Zalman Shneur
In the world of Chinuch, we are always thinking of long-term goals. Our decisions and investments must always be based on big-picture objectives of where we want to go, not [...]
The Musical Morah Who Gets Creative with Chassidus
“Meet the Chinuch Shluchim” is jointly presented by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) and Community News Service. The series features Chabad teachers from different states, countries, and demographics speaking [...]
From Terrible Student to a Double Career Educator
“Meet the Chinuch Shluchim” is jointly presented by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) and Community News Service. The series features Chabad teachers from different states, countries, and demographics speaking [...]
How to Reach the Four Sons in Your Classroom
The passage of the Arba Banim reminds us anew each year to tailor our teaching to all of our diverse students. Do you recognize any of these four in your [...]
Does School Really Matter? A Pesach Message from Rabbi Zalman Shneur
Dear Friends, As we prepare to celebrate Pesach, the Yom Tov of “Vehigadita L’Bincha”, we are reminded of the importance of education and the impact it has on our lives. [...]
Teacher Returned to Chinuch Even After Initial Burnout
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Ms. Chaya Toby Lieblich began as a preschool teacher and left Chinuch for other career options. She eventually returned to teach teenagers and explains why she's [...]
Teaching Tefillah Part 4: Practical Tips and Resources
By Mrs. Chanah Rose As the final installment of our four-part Chinuch series on teaching Tefilla, we present a list of tips and resources. Students often ask for practical tips [...]
Teaching Tefillah Part 3: Music and Tefilla
By Chanah Rose There are many more analogies that can be dwelt upon for Tefilla, both classic ones and original ones that you and your students or children might come [...]
Teaching Tefillah Part 2: Climbing the Ladder of Tefillah
By Mrs. Chanah Rose We are all familiar with the dream that Yaakov Avinu had at the foot of Har Hamoria, with the powerful imagery of a “sulam mutzav artzah [...]
Teaching Tefillah Part 1: Polishing Diamonds
By Mrs. Chanah Rose The Frierdiker Rebbe once said ספר השיחות לה"ק תש"ד-קכד ("התפילה והעבוד", הרב יקותיאל גרין, דף 156) : “A foundation of Chassidus is Tefilla. Just like in [...]
What is A Chassidishe Chinuch? 10 Chinuch Messages in Basi Legani
Based on Rabbi Nosson Gurary’s talk at the Yud Shevat Mechanchos Farbrengen, 5783. 1) This world is Hashem's favorite place. There are infinite spiritual worlds, but everything Hashem created is [...]
What Teachers Want From the Directors
By Shaina Baumgarten, Preschool Teacher at Silverstein Hebrew Academy, Great Neck, NY A message from a teacher to her school director, presented at the Annual Women's Chabad School Leadership Retreat, [...]
How a First Grade Teacher Changed an Irritated Child’s Mood
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Yisroel Raices, first-grade teacher at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown St, follows in his grandfather's footsteps, remembers a kind gesture of a parent, and shares 3 [...]
What Hei Teves Reminds Teachers
At the celebratory farbrengen on Hei Teves 5747, the Rebbe emphasized a lesson for our Avodah from the whole ordeal. Part of the complaint was that Lubavitch isn’t a גוף [...]
The Chinuch Miracle
There are many versions of the question that is asked, "What is the miracle of Chanuka?" Reading between the lines of its answers, perhaps we can say that Chinuch is the miracle [...]
This Teacher Loves the Outdoors – and an Actual Sefer
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Mendel Meyers, a fifth-grade teacher at Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles, California on how curiosity and unique hobbies outside of school have made him a [...]
One Visit Showed a Teacher What He Was Doing Wrong
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Eily Smith of the Mesivta at Lubavitch Educational Center (LEC) in Miami, Florida, on a powerful experience that transformed his teaching, instilling confidence, and teaching [...]
Chinuch Lessons from י”ט כסלו
We are all familiar with the story of the King's crown jewel being crushed into medicine as a mashal for revealing Chassidus in our times. This includes the Chiddush of [...]
How Do You Get 459 Public School Students to Enroll in Jewish Day Schools?
Fourth grader Gabriela’s whole life changed when she switched from public school to Mazel Day School, a Blue-Ribbon award-winning Chabad school in southern Brooklyn, New York. “I keep Shabbat and [...]
Let’s Talk About Teachers
Op-Ed by Mrs. Chanah Rose: If Chinuch is the most important role, then why is it the most difficult? Here are just a few reasons why. Teaching: the hardest job [...]
Ms. Miriam Elberg Empowers Teens to Learn Chassidus
“Meet the Chinuch Shluchim” is a series that features Chabad teachers from different states, countries and demographics speaking about their life and Chinuch Shlichus. This week: Bais Rivkah High School [...]
Rabbi Avraham Granat Doesn’t Have a Dull Moment
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Avraham Granat of Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida, on dealing with a terrible loss, his mastery of multiple trades, his role model from Las [...]
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim – Rabbi Shimmy Gerlitzky
With the Chinuch system under attack, the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) and launch the new feature series "Meet the Chinuch Shluchim": Oholei Torah teacher Rabbi Shimmy Gerlitzky on family [...]
Government Regulations Will Only Harm Our Yeshivas
Op-Ed by Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director of The Menachem Education Foundation, dedicated to improving Chinuch: "Are yeshiva graduates successful despite our education or because of our education?" “Without an [...]
Chinuch From the Inside Out: What’s Our Goal?
by Chanah Rose Sitting with a group of friends at a Shabbos afternoon shiur, we digressed to talk about what our goals are for our children. “To be frum.” “To [...]
The Unfortunate Trend to Focus on What’s Wrong
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur Our children are listening. They listen when we complain about our unhappiness with the education system. They listen when we argue that the teacher was wrong [...]
Chinuch Lessons from Yetzias Mitzrayim
by Morah Chanie Feldman. As educators, we often find ourselves trying to assist a child with a particular challenge, whether social, emotional, or academic. When a child has a challenge, this is their personal Golus, and there is so much that we can learn from the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim for how to guide them toward their personal Geulah!
Please Let Me Get to Know You
by Chanah Rose. This poem depicts a teacher and student sharing their hopes for the first day of school, making the case to get to know our students through baseline assessment, learning profiles and personal connection as the foundation for learning.
Remembering the Past, to Empower Our Future
A Pesach Message by Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director. Is a reminder of the darkness of slavery really necessary at a celebration of Freedom? Yes, says the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Throughout the Seder night, we must actively retell the story of the Jewish People’s redemption from slavery to salvation by experiencing it for ourselves.
Healthy, Happy, Frum
by Mrs. Dena Gorkin (as told to Chanie Gorkin) This article has been excerpted from "Healthy, Happy, Frum: A veteran Mechaneches shares her insight into effective Chinuch", which appeared in issue number four of the BR Embrace magazine. To view in full or subscribe to the magazine, visit
What Will We Tell our Children?
By Liba Rimler Our yearning is raw. We have been counting down since the first day of the Omer. We sing the songs with our children. The forty-nine days of anticipation are coming to a close soon. What will we tell them if we find ourselves at home?
The Aseres Hadibros of Chinuch
by Mrs. Leah Levine, As we prepare once again for Kabalos HaTorah, it struck me that the first Talmud Torah was actually at Har Sinai and our first teacher was Moshe Rabbeinu. For the most perfect methods in Chinuch, we don’t need to look further than our Ten Commandments, the foundation of the entire Torah.
4 Lessons for Parents and Teachers from Distance Learning
By Mrs. Chanah Rose, All four ingredients of distance learning are powerful drivers for brick-and-mortar learning as well. And all four of them bring one message home...
A Second Chance for Chinuch at Its Best
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, If we do not consciously harness this energy to expand these critical efforts when we return to physical classrooms, it would be a missed opportunity.
Reaching Our Students in a Way of L’Chatchila Ariber
by Rabbi Shalom DovBer Avtzon, I propose that we do everything we can in a manner of Lchatchilla Ariber. In addition to whatever schools are doing there should be an emphasis of one on one.
A Teacher’s Role During Covid-19
By Yanki Raskin LMSW, The role of a mechanech goes beyond teaching skills and text. While this is always true, during these times of change and uncertainty, this aspect of our role takes on a new meaning; the context and environment of our teaching is fertile ground and is calling upon us to use this opportunity to engage and be of service to our students in ways that can and b’ezras Hashem will make a lasting educational impression upon them.
Are Our Students on the Outside Looking In, or On the Inside Looking Out?
Today, Tes Adar, marks 80 years to the day that the Frerdiker Rebbe arrived in America. At that time, American Jewry was, borrowing the terminology of the Rashbatz, “on the outside,” but not necessarily looking to come in.
Hiskashrus: Helping Our Students Connect
“Happy is your lot that Hashgacha Ha’elyona has placed you in the most fortunate position of one engaged in Chinuch, which draws near the hearts of Jewish Children to our [...]
10 Ways to Take Chinuch to Heart
As a community, we are in a process of rededicating ourselves to the vital Shlichus of Chinuch. In every area, educators are striving to go the extra mile - exemplifying [...]
Chai Elul Inspiration: 18 Hachlatos for Those in Chinuch
At the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5779, Mechanchos from around the world gathered to farbreng and inspire each other in their unique Shlichus of Chinuch. Throughout the Kinus, there were various [...]
Chinuch: A Shlichus for Our Time
By Mrs Chanah Rose, Is teaching an art, a science, or a calling? The simple answer is, all three. We have all met the “born” teacher, who has been playing school since age five.
A Moment of Silence For Our Own – The Discussion Continues
By: Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Vogel, With the recent discussion about a Moment of Silence, I started reflecting on how this campaign of the Rebbe isn't only for the public schools, but for our schools as well.
A Moment of Silence: Not Just for Public Schools
By Rena Udkoff, How the Rebbe’s call for a Moment of Silence can be applied in a Chabad classroom
By Leaps and Bounds: A Pesach Message
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, The name of the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach derives from the word meaning “and Hashem will leap over.” Rashi in his commentary explains further: “The festival is called Pesach because of [Hashem’s] leaping.... Therefore, perform all its aspects in a manner of bounding and leaping.” Pesach has a special characteristic of leaping beyond the boundaries of regular limitations.
Teaching Our Students How to Think
By Rabbi Shais Taub, The name of the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach derives from the word meaning “and Hashem will leap over.” Rashi in his commentary explains further: “The festival is called Pesach because of [Hashem’s] leaping.... Therefore, perform all its aspects in a manner of bounding and leaping.” Pesach has a special characteristic of leaping beyond the boundaries of regular limitations.
Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh
By Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, I would argue the number one challenge facing Jewish education today is keeping the schools and the parents on the same page.
Parshas Hashavua: Aiming Higher
By Mrs. Chanah Rose, Parsha. It’s a spiral that takes us higher each year, revisiting familiar stories on deeper levels, with new relevance for the new year. In schools, we need to make sure that Parsha class is indeed a spiral that cycles upwards, and not mainly repetition. Parsha is perhaps the only subject which is taught consistently from preK all the way up through high school, so it takes effort and intentionality to teach it each year in a way that’s new.
Kriah: It’s Not Just Reading
by Rabbi Moshe Schwartz Every year, children sit down on the first day of Pre1A, excited to learn. They are graduating from the childlike way they learned before, ready to [...]
Four Students- Part 4
By Mrs. Chana Rose, Educational Director of the Menachem Education Foundation The fourth son of the Haggada is the silent son. The “she’ayno yodei’a li’sh’ol” is the child who does [...]
Four Students- Part 3
By Mrs. Chana Rose, Educational Director of the Menachem Education Foundation In the passage of the Arba Banim, the Haggada first addresses two extremes - the Chacham and Rasha, whom [...]
Four Students- Part 2
By Mrs. Chana Rose, Educational Director of the Menachem Education Foundation The first thing that we need to realize about the second son described in the Haggada, the Rasha, is [...]
Four Students- Part 1
The Haggada is our guidebook for Chinuch, with the passage of the Arba Banim holding a prominent place in its instructions for Mechanchim. The first of the four sons is [...]
Which Child First?: A Pesach Message
Teachers are often faced with a dilemma when multiple children are clamoring for their attention: which child’s needs to address first? With limited time and resources, educators are forced to [...]
A Word With: Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Solomon
Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Solomon serves as College Rabbi to Moriah College’s 1,500 students in Sydney, AU, and the author of “The Educational Teachings of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.” Rabbi Solomon [...]
3 Steps to Better Communication
By: Mrs. Sarah Chuzhin As early childhood educators, we find ourselves faced with multiple challenges in the classroom. Our students have intense and raw emotions, enthusiasm, curiosity, frustration, and even [...]
A Teacher’s Prayer
by Ms. Inbal Levin I make sure to pray to You before I leave the house in the morning. I guess you can say it’s my “thing”. Each morning as [...]
The Tone and Tune: Why it Matters.
by Rabbi Chaim Kosofsky They say that only seven percent of a message is conveyed with words - ninety-three percent is conveyed in other factors such as tone of voice [...]
Raising the Bar: Learning Chumash Content
This article is a part of a series. Click here for part one and part two. In this post we will explore the second section of the Zekelman Standards for Chumash [...]
Do We Know Our Goal? An Interview with Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz
The annual Chabad Chinuch Convention is this summer, beginning on Gimmel Tammuz, followed by two days of packed programming in two separate locations for men and women. We are proud [...]
Why Standards, and Why Now?
by Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum The Zekelman Standards for Chumash present a significant milestone for Torah educators, but not necessarily an innovation. A closer look at our sources shows that an [...]
Matan Torah: Making it Real
Zman Matan Toraseinu is upon us, the time when my toddler starts asking me: is Hashem going to give us the Torah again this year? Indeed, we are meant to [...]
Why I Chose Chinuch
As we prepared for the Chinuch Job Fair, we found ourselves wondering what inspires people to get involved in Chinuch. To get the answer we turned to those we know [...]
For Teachers, From Teachers.
Earlier this year, mechanchos gathered at several Melava Malkas to network, discuss and inspire each other. They shared tips for their fellow teachers, and we wanted to share them with [...]
A Letter: Because You Cared.
Dear Teacher, I was your student five years ago. Five years is a long time. So many things change, and that means you have seen four grades since I [...]
There Is Always A Spring: A Pesach Message
In the world of Chinuch, parents and educators may not see the results of their extensive efforts through the droughts of “winter”. Pesach comes to teach us a lesson about [...]
What Makes A Great Teacher? 5 Things I Learned from the Chinuch Awards
Last year, reading the submissions and making the reference calls for the Chinuch Award nominees was a tremendous privilege, and truly inspirational. I remember thinking about whether it would [...]
Raising the Bar: Fostering Respect
This article is a part of a series. Click here for part one. In this and future articles, I hope to be able to take you, the parent body and [...]
Watering the Seeds
by Mrs. Chaya Teldon Literacy is defined as ‘competence or knowledge in a specified area’. We are constantly working toward math literacy, Hebrew literacy, and literacy in literature in our [...]
When They Cry For Help
by Mrs. Dena Gorkin “I’m not here for myself. I need advice for a friend.” This is a commonly expressed justification for a teenager to show up at the office [...]
Which Chinuch Crisis?
Anyone involved in education has likely had some kind of experience with a “Chinuch crisis.” On the receiving end, there are sadly many who feel hurt at their own needs [...]
Reaching The Souls
This is a transcribed and adapted speech given by Mrs. Sarale Blau at the High School teachers networking Melava Malka organized by the Menachem Education Foundation. Knowing Your Students The [...]
How To Help Your Child Succeed In School
Dear Parent, There is a Halacha in the Shulchan Aruch, that a single man is not supposed to teach small children, because their mothers will come to pick them up, [...]
From Vienna to Montreal
Adapted from an interview with Rabbi Feigelstock, a long time mechanech and principal of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Montreal, conducted by Rabbi Shneur. The ideas that Rabbi Feigelstock discuss [...]
Raising the Bar: What Are The Standards?
Introduction to Standards: The word curriculum means different things to different people. But one thing remains constant: curriculum changes dictated by governments around the world are ongoing. In the general [...]
The Kiss That Lasted A Life Time
BY: RABBI AVTZON Reb Aharon Zakon was a Chassidic bochur (Talmudic Student) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, which at the time of this story, in 1947, was part of the Soviet Union, [...]
What Can We Do For Chinuch?
Op-Ed by Rabbi Zalman Shneur: "We complain about the chinuch "system" but the only way to solve these difficulties is through a system." by Rabbi Zalman Shneur - Director, [...]