School Leaders Trained in Pittsburgh

This past winter, fifteen Chabad Heads of School met in Los Angeles for a training summit that inspired and empowered them in their role as school leaders. But the momentum did not stop there. On On 8-9 Iyar / May 13-14, this group of leaders reconvened in Pittsburgh, for the second in-person training session. This session is a part of MEF’s recently developed Menahalei Moisad Chabad (MMC) training, an eighteen-month-long program designed to develop the skills of those leading Chabad schools.

Topics are presented by program director Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, Menahel of Cheder Lubavitch, Chicago, and include the art of hiring, fundraising, and other practicalities that allow a moisad to run smoothly. Other presenters and panelists that lectured on topics such as strategic planning and time management included Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum, Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, and Rabbi Chezky Rosenfeld. Participants from schools throughout North America joined the two-day summit, where they farbrenged late into the night on the pivotal role and achrayus of their Shlichus in Chinuch.

The next training summit is slated to take place this summer in the tri-state area. Between sessions, many participants benefit from personal coaching from program leaders to help them implement the new skills and tools they are learning. “The MMC program has helped me in understanding, clarifying and furthering my role in my school,” says Rabbi Sendy Wilshansky, of Pheonix, AZ. “I look forward to implementing the things I’ve learned, as well as continued learning and growth.” Another participant reflected, “Since joining this course my effectiveness as a leader has grown tremendously.”

2019-09-12T11:42:49-04:00June 4, 2019|News, Uncategorized|

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