“Moving Beyond Translation” Workshop with Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld

Do you teach Chumash or another text-based subject, in any grade from 1st through 12th? Does your class spend a lot of time on translation and the important mechanics of learning, yet you’re not sure whether they actually got the message of the Pesukim? Are you looking for techniques to dig deeper and trigger your students’ critical thinking, allowing their learning to come to life?


Calling all Mechanchos who answered yes to these questions! The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) invites you to a powerful workshop called “Moving Beyond Translation,” with Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld, MA. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 21 Shvat – February 10, from 8:30-10:00pm, at CHYE – 510 Empire Boulevard.


At this workshop, Mrs. Rosenfeld will guide participants through practical steps for helping students glean meaning from the Pesukim, through textual comprehension, graphic organizers, higher order thinking and more.


Mrs. Rosenfeld is Director of Curriculum at Yeshiva-Beth Rivkah Colleges in Melbourne, Australia and has a Master’s in Education from the University of Melbourne. In her work for MEF, Mrs. Rosenfeld helped shape the widely acclaimed Zekelman Standards for Chumash, and this workshop is based on Standard 4: Passage Comprehension. (No prior knowledge of the Zekelman Standards for Chumash is needed to attend.)


Mrs. Rosenfeld is a sought after speaker and author on teaching and curriculum. After previous workshops for MEF, participants said, “Mrs. Rosenfeld’s Chumash workshop was well-planned, clearly presented, and, most of all, super practical. Thank you for organizing such a meaningful event.” “I learned some things I was unfortunately never taught, and was therefore unable to teach… Looking forward to learn more!”


This workshop will also be given to Shluchos on Sunday morning at the Kinus Hashluchos Workshops. Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your classrooms and your students’ lives! Cover is $10, or preregister for $7 by clicking on www.mymef.org/donate or calling 718-663-7215 today!



2015-02-02T20:19:12-05:00February 2, 2015|Uncategorized|

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