Educators: Heed the Rebbe’s Call This Summer

The Menachem Education Foundation Second Annual Summer Seminar – Registration Now Open.

Time and again, the Lubavitcher Rebbe called for summer vacation to be used for “fortifying and expanding the Jewish education for children.”

This summer, the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) introduces an expanded annual seminar, which will include four days of workshops, slated for July 13-16 2015 / 25-29 Tammuz 5775. Topics include teaching strategies, a two-day overview of skills to build lifelong learners, and a primer to the Zekelman Standards of Judaic Studies.  Facilitators include: Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, Rabbi Zelig Silber, Dr. Chana Silberstein, Mrs. Blumie Gurevitz, Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld and more. There will be separate tracks for men and women.

Last year, MEF’s ground-breaking summer seminar of professional development for educators drew more than 100 participants from across the country.

The seminar will cost $99 per day or $259 for all four days. Early bird specials and scholarships available.

Click here to register:

For more information, contact the Menachem Education Foundation at or call 718-663-7215.

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2015-03-30T11:54:47-04:00March 30, 2015|Uncategorized|

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