Vision for Chabad Schools

At the heart of the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) is the core belief that the community’s collective responsibility towards the Chinuch of our children must engage 100% of students, at 100% of their capacity, 100% of the time. Our mission is to be the best champions of Talmidim and Talmidos by working through Chabad schools, with an uncompromising focus on student success.

MEF has led a team of Mechanchim in formulating a concise, overarching “Vision for Chabad Schools,” to articulate goals for student outcomes, and to hold ourselves accountable at every step of the way.

The Vision is a living document and serves as a basic foundation to build and expound upon. Print one for your pocket or classroom wall. (Contact us for the student edition.) Download your Vision Card below.

2021-03-17T13:38:34-04:00March 17, 2021|Resources|

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