One Equals Four, Two is Eight

One Equals Four, Two is Eight

Nissen Brenenson, Director of Education at Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights, sings about a new way to calculate math.

An original song by Nissen Brenanson and Reuven Deray in honor of the matching funds for the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF).

For the next 24-hours starting at noon Tuesday, MEF is attempting to raise $500,000. Three matching donors —Arora Nash Charity Foundation, Alan and Lori Zekelman and the MEF Chai Circle– will triple every dollar you donate in an all or nothing effort.

This is your chance to make a difference in Chinuch – a difference that is lasting and real, so take action and donate now. MEF needs you. Our children need you. The future of Chabad needs you, so #uniteforchinuch today.

Join the campaign for Chinuch at

2024-02-15T15:02:41-05:00November 24, 2015|News|

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