Menahalim Blaze the Trail for Chabad Chinuch

The מנהל מוסד חינוך serves in a unique Shlichus today, with the potential to impact not only the school that he leads but also an entire community. With this potential comes tremendous responsibility, and MEF formed the MMC (Menahel Moisad Chinuch Chabad) training program in order to train and empower current and aspiring Menahalim to fill that role.

This February, 15 Menahalim from throughout North America gathered in Los Angeles for two days of intensive training. The lead facilitator was Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, Menahel of Cheder Lubavitch, Chicago, who also directs the program. Based on his decades of experience and direct Horaos from the Rebbe regarding his Moisad, Rabbi Wolf delivered workshops on the spiritual side of leading a school – “Maintaining Chabad Standards in a Diverse School Community”, and on the practical side – “Budgeting and Revenue.”  “Rabbi Wolf’s experience and clear vision came through very strongly,” said one participant, “as well as his clear articulation of what he was trying to bring out.”

On day 2 of the program, participants heard from Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum, principal of Cheder Menachem Los Angeles, on navigating and building relationships with a school’s staff and other stakeholders. Rabbi Shais Taub presented a workshop on creating and articulating a school vision, and also treated the larger L.A. community to a parenting talk entitled “Raising Spiritual Children in a Material World.” Capping off the training for Menahalim, fundraising coach Rabbi Mendel Duchman shared his practical tips and strategies.

The inaugural training was the first in an 18-month program, with the next meetup for participants slated to take place in Pittsburgh this spring. “The program brought together a very strong group of young Shluchim, who are committed to the future of the Chinuch of our children,” said Rabbi Zalman Shneur, MEF’s Executive Director and founder of the MMC. “Each one is truly a bar poel on behalf of their community. Lubavitch is so blessed with such incredibly vitality for the Shlichus of Chinuch.”

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2019-04-10T13:11:16-04:00April 3, 2019|News|

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