Social-Emotional / Middos
Project Tomim
Author: Henny Bartfeld
Grades 3-5
Menachem Education Foundation
[email protected]
“Project Tomim,” MEF’s all-new social-emotional learning curriculum, is rooted in Torah and Chassidus with research-based tools and best practices. It is intended to give elementary school students the tools to develop healthy social-emotional attitudes and behaviors. The dynamic lesson plans include activities, multimedia and manipulatives, as well as teacher support and a community of practice. The goal is to raise a generation of students who have a healthier sense of self and social-emotional skill set, and who are empowered to make positive choices both in and out of the classroom.
Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy
Social Emotional Curriculums
Grades 1-8 and High School
[email protected]
845-352-3505 ext. 148
A variety of programs are available, tailored to fit the goals of the school and the ages of the students. Programs cover interpersonal skills, anti-bullying tools, character development, and empathy building.
Project TEAM
Author: Sima Susskind
Kindergarten – Grade 2
Sima Susskind
[email protected]
T.E.A.M-Tools for Emotional Awareness & Middos- is a comprehensive emotional resilience program for ages 4-8, presented through weekly puppet shows.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download or Hard copy