A Second Chance for Chinuch at Its Best
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, If we do not consciously harness this energy to expand these critical efforts when we return to physical classrooms, it would be a missed opportunity.
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, If we do not consciously harness this energy to expand these critical efforts when we return to physical classrooms, it would be a missed opportunity.
Today, Tes Adar, marks 80 years to the day that the Frerdiker Rebbe arrived in America. At that time, American Jewry was, borrowing the terminology of the Rashbatz, “on the outside,” but not necessarily looking to come in.
By Rabbi Zalman Shneur, The name of the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach derives from the word meaning “and Hashem will leap over.” Rashi in his commentary explains further: “The festival is called Pesach because of [Hashem’s] leaping.... Therefore, perform all its aspects in a manner of bounding and leaping.” Pesach has a special characteristic of leaping beyond the boundaries of regular limitations.
Teachers are often faced with a dilemma when multiple children are clamoring for their attention: which child’s needs to address first? With limited time and resources, educators are forced to [...]
In the world of Chinuch, parents and educators may not see the results of their extensive efforts through the droughts of “winter”. Pesach comes to teach us a lesson about [...]
This time of year is marked by countdowns. Each day we carefully count the Omer as we eagerly approach Shavuos. For many students, an extra countdown is calculated as they [...]