Zekelman Standards

6. Meforshim

Learning מפרשים allows for deeper engagement with the חומש text, particularly in the areas of higher order thinking. The more a student has mastered the skills of vocabulary, language, textual comprehension and understanding רש”י, the more they are prepared to appreciate the various levels of interpretation that additional commentaries bring to the text. There is also a new set of skills and knowledge that contribute to meaningful study of the מפרשים: It is crucial for students to understand their unique styles and approaches, and the tools of analysis or insight that they typically use, and it is helpful for them to learn about their biographical context.

Note to teachers: For the above reasons, we recommend that introducing מפרשים be postponed until students have consolidated their skills for independent learning of

חומש and רש”י – typically, after eighth grade. However, we are introducing these standards here for classes that may be ready earlier, and to demonstrate the bridge from the grade 1-8 standards to more advanced, high school level study of the חומש.i[48]

The student will be able to:

  • Read, translate, and understand מפרשים
  • Demonstrate knowledge of various commentators’ backgrounds and methodology in order to analyze components of the commentary.
  • Compare and contrast various מפרשים

Enduring Understandings

  1. Understanding the biographical background and historical context of a given מפורש will help us better understand his teachings.
  2. מפורשים are part of תורה שבעל פה, helping us to understanding the חומש. All are sacred, and many were written with רוח הקדש.
  3. Different מפרשים address different levels of פרד”ס, and have a unique approach to the text.
  4. Every מפורש has its own structure and “key” which enables us to navigate and understand it.
  5. Every מפורש has a distinct style, approach and mode of expression.

Essential Questions

  1. Who is this מפורש? / How does his biographical information impact his teachings?
  2. Where did this מפורש get this from? / Is it okay to disagree with a מפורש? / What would I be missing in my understanding of the פסוק if I hadn’t learned this?
  3. What level of פרד”ס does this מפורש address? / What is this מפורש doing?
  4. How is this מפורש structured? / How does the structure of this מפורש reflect its purpose?
  5. What do I need to know about the style, approach and language of this מפורש to learn and understand it?

6.01 Identifying the Meforshim [49]

A. For each of the מפרשים learned, states the title of the מפרש, the name of its author, and the time period and area that he lived in.

B. For each of the מפרשים learned, identifies which level of פרד”ס it generally addresses, as well as any other distinctive role that it plays, [50] and explains how this is evident in a learned מפרש.

[50] E.g. to elucidate פשט, or to argue with רשי.

6.02 Reading and Translating מפרשים

A. For each of the מפרשים learned, translates key, repeating vocabulary words that are encountered in the learning.

B. For each of the מפרשים learned, reads (without translating) an unlearned מפרש with נקודות fluently and accurately, or a learned מפרש without נקודות fluently and accurately.

6.03 Understanding Meforshim

A. When applicable, states the question and answer of a מפרש.

B. When applicable, divides the מפרש into its parts – e.g. question, answer, proof, citation, etc.

C. Summarizes a מפרש in one’s own words, stating its main idea.

D. Explains the פסוק according to the interpretation of one or more learned מפרשים.

6.04 Comparing and Contrasting מפרשים

A. Compares and contrasts the styles and approaches of different מפרשים, bringing examples from learned מפרשים.

B. Compares and contrasts the various מפרשים  on a single פסוק or issue.

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