Jewish New Teacher Project

It is no secret that new teachers are commonly faced by a myriad of
challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of success for
students, teachers and schools. The many challenges are compounded by
a sense of isolation and loneliness that many new teachers experience
during the toughest years of their job cycle.

The Menachem Education Foundation has recently taken a giant step to
rectify this problem by partnering with the Jewish New Teachers
Project to provide coaching to graduates of its Teacher Training
Program who go on to become new teachers. The program pairs up new
teachers with an experienced teacher/mentor who observes and mentors
the new teacher for at least 1.5 hours weekly. The mentoring is
data-driven and uses the framework that the Jewish New Teachers
Project adopted from the New Teacher Center at Santa Cruz University.

The Jewish New Teachers Project is a branch of the New Teacher Center
at Santa Cruz University and is funded by Jim Joseph Foundation,
Avichai Foundation and the UJA Federation of New York.

“This is something very close to my heart,” says Rabbi Zalman Shneur,
Executive Director of the Menachem Foundation. “We were sending guys
out to become new teachers and many complained that they felt isolated
when on the job. I am extremely impressed with the Jewish New Teachers
Project and I am confident that they will support our graduates

This partnership is currently underway as a pilot project at the
Cheder Chabad of Monsey, one of the fastest growing Chabad schools. So
far the program has been successful in helping new teachers face their
day-to-day struggles.

“This project is bringing a new energy into our school! It provides
new teachers the ability of reflecting honestly in a non threatening
environment,” remarks Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik, principal of the Cheder
Chabad of Monsey. “The focus on supporting new teachers is crucial for
the future of the Cheder and the success of the children in our

This project was made possible through the generous support of the
U’Foratzto Foundation.

The Menachem Foundation hopes to expand the program into other Chabad
schools by the next year.

2021-02-22T13:10:12-05:00October 22, 2012|Uncategorized|

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