Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5783 Recordings

Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5783 Recordings



Chabad Chinuch Convention 5783

Day 1:

ברוכות הבאות Opening Remarks by Rabbi Baruch Hertz:

Kinus Theme with Odel Zirkind:

Unlocking Resilience for Teachers and Students by Dr. Carly Namdar, E.D.d,, M.S.Ed, CSP:

The Calm (Instead of the Storm): How Self-Regulation Can Benefit You and Your Students Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW, ACSW, CIMPH & Chaya Wilhelm:

Ask the Rav: Chinuch in Halacha and Chassidishe Hashkafa Rabbi Baruch Hertz:

Gala Chinuch Banquet: 

L’chaim to Mechanchos Mrs. Rivky Katz, Teacher, Cheder Chabad Florida

The Lifelong Impact of Chinuch Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Director, Menachem Education Foundation

הזורעים בדמעה ברנה יקצורו Avodas Hachinuch: Anticipating a Bountiful Harvest Mrs. Risha Majesky, Principal, Bais Chana High School, Phoenix, AZ 

Mechanchos Roll Call Rochie Sandhaus, Principal, Beis Chaya Mushka, Crown Heights 

The Difference You Make

Thank You Morah

Farbrengen: Educating Hashem’s Children: Navigating Chinuch Today Mrs. Chanie Wolf

Day 2

Chassidus Before Davening Rabbi Baruch Hertz:

The Classroom Community: Bully Prevention and Building Connection Dr. Rona Novick:

Increasing Rigor in Assessments Part l: How to Know if Your Students Are Learning Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum:

SEL As Well? Building Our Students’ Social-Emotional Repertoire Dr. Rona Novick

Building Concrete Connections to Reach Every Child Liba Rimler

Closing Session:

The Rebbe as the Ultimate Teacher Kesem Mia Hetzroni

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Introduction Kesem Mia Hetzroni

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Rabbi Baruch Hertz

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Morah Chani Brod

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Mrs. Rivka Fishman

The Great Chinuch Balancing Act of 5783 Mrs. Risha Majesky

The Very Best Place for a Morah By the Kinus Comedy Committee

Tzeischem L’shalom Chanah Rose
Also enjoy easy access to all Kinus general sessions unpacking this year’s theme, and the complete Gala Chinuch Banquet! A full packet of handouts, program guides, and other perks will be emailed to you as well.

If you registered for the Kinus Mechanchos this year, you do not need to purchase these recordings. Email [email protected] if you have not yet received them. 

Please purchase one set of recordings ($25) for person viewing. For group rates, joint PD sessions, etc., please contact us at [email protected].


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