$250,000 Raised to Transfer Public School Kids to Yeshivahs

Over a hundred supporters of the Menachem Education Foundation’s Our Heritage program gathered at the home of R’ Mendel Pinson in Crown Heights on Sunday evening, for a parlor meeting and matching campaign, to raise funds for the program’s third year launch.

Dedicated in memory of its founding sponsor, R’ Shneur Zalman Hirsch OBM, the Our Heritage program provides scholarship funds to enroll new Jewish public school students at Chabad day schools.

At Sunday’s event, MEF announced the new international partnership with Chabad day schools in honor of Shnas Hakhel, to provide a Torah education to Jewish public school students around the world.

This Content Was Published at https://collive.com/250000-raised-to-transfer-public-school-kids-to-yeshivahs/

2022-11-02T15:01:37-04:00September 12, 2022|Our Heritage|

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