We’ve Got a Solution for the Teacher Shortage Crisis in Chabad Schools

In the dynamic and vibrant world of Chabad Chinuch, a pressing issue has emerged – the scarcity of a new generation of dedicated teachers. Across Chabad schools nationwide, there is a recurring struggle to fill classrooms with qualified and passionate educators. 

Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director of the Menachem Education Foundation explains, “we are constantly getting calls from schools both big and small, who are desperate for teachers of all subjects and grade levels. There is no influx of new talent into the field and the downtrend has only been getting worse over the years.” 

Last year, MEF decided to tackle the challenge head-on and took bold steps to address this crisis by cultivating a new generation of skilled and dedicated teachers. 

MEF’s groundbreaking initiative, the Kadima L’Chinuch Teacher Training program for men, invited aspiring Mechanchim to join a “Kollel” of sorts where young teachers were paid a stipend to participate in an accelerated training program. Over the course of three intensive months, 20 aspiring Mechanchim underwent comprehensive training with individualized mentorship as they attended over 30 courses, and gained 100 hours of hands-on classroom experience.

Rabbi Levke Kaplan, the director of the Kadima L’Chinuch program and the Menahel of Cheder Chabad of Monsey, NY, shares, “The Rebbe’s call for anyone who has talent in Chinuch to embrace it wholeheartedly reverberates in many Chassidishe bochurim and yungeleit. However, the realities of the classroom, the absence of necessary tools, training, and the lack of pedagogical methods in their own upbringing, leaves their passion in the world of Tohu. MEF can now provide these passionate and well-meaning individuals with an opportunity that is second to none. The excellence that MEF strives for is felt in every aspect of the program.”

Building on the success of the Kadima L’Chinuch pilot last year, MEF is poised to continue its efforts with a new cohort in 5784. 

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The world of Mechanchos faces even greater shortages than Mechanchim. Fewer and fewer young women are choosing to go into teaching positions and Chabad girls schools and preschools across the country are feeling the significant strain. To address this, MEF plans to launch a brand-new Teacher Shlichus Program for young women that is being specifically designed to draw in new talent and make Chinuch a more appealing and desirable career choice for the next generation.

The Teacher Shlichus Program will offer aspiring Mechanchos a year-long teaching job as they will be placed in Chabad schools across North America. Along with a guaranteed position, the program will offer intensive supervision, mentorship, training, and online coursework, ensuring that the participants graduate as qualified teachers ready to make a meaningful impact in Chabad schools. 

To lead this transformative initiative, Morah Shana Tiechtel, former principal of Beis Rivkah in Crown Heights and a Chinuch legend, will spearhead the program. With over five decades of dedication to Chinuch, Morah Teichtel emphasizes the universal impact of the Teacher Shlichus Program, which aims to provide teaching opportunities for aspiring Mechanchos in schools across North America.

Morah Teichtel shares her vision for the program: “My vision for the Chinuch Teacher program is that no child should be left behind. In so many places in the United States and Canada, there are classes, schools, and communities with the potential for success, but they lack one crucial element – teachers. 

“This is disastrous. How can a principal run a school if she does not have the most important factor – educators who can do the teaching?” 

Morah Teichtel is passionate about the prospect of bringing new talent into the field. “Chinuch is essential for the existence and survival of Am Yisrael. I urge our young girls to give one year of your life to try teaching. I am confident that you will love it because you will feel the power a teacher has to change the future.” 

The program will incorporate timeless Chassidish Chinuch concepts with modern teaching techniques. She explains, “our Chinuch values have not changed, but the tools we use to transmit knowledge and values have to change with the times. This cadre of new teachers will be able to do that. “

In the face of an acute shortage of educators in Chabad schools, these initiatives stand as a powerful message that our community will invest in the future of Chinuch. MEF is forging a dynamic new cohort of teachers poised to be catalysts for the continued success and exponential growth of Chabad Chinuch. This transformative endeavor is not just a solution; it is a resounding declaration that the future of Chabad education will be shaped by a generation of passionate and skilled educators ready to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of Jewish learning. 

MEF needs YOU to support us as we invest in new teachers for Chabad schools. Give generously today at www.Charidy.com/MEF 

2023-11-30T13:22:15-05:00November 30, 2023|News|

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