Today’s Chinuch Challenge: Be Part of the Solution 

Breathing New Life into the Shlichus of Chinuch Through A New Post-Seminary Program.

Let’s face the facts: Teaching is demanding. Without tools and training, teachers easily face burnout, which makes many people wary of choosing Chinuch as their Shlichus. Our schools find it difficult to fill their classrooms with qualified teachers who will devote heart and soul to their students. As community leaders and educators work to solve the teacher shortage crisis, the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) introduces Teach for Lubavitch, a program that promises to bring trained teachers into Chabad classrooms across the United States.

The emphasis on Chassidishe Chinuch lies in the heart of what Lubavitch is about, and the day of Yud Shvat reminds of the Frierdiker Rebbe and Rebbe’s tireless devotion for Yiddishe Chinuch. In both Soviet Russia and the secular culture of America, they displayed immense Mesiras Nefesh to ensure that every Jewish child received a lasting and Torah-true Chinuch. They saw how the existence of the world, the coming of Moshiach and the continuity of Am Yisroel all depend on the education that Jewish children receive. The Rebbe inspired countless individuals to devote their lives to the Shlichus of Chinuch, and encouraged teachers worldover to continue despite the challenges that education presents.  In one letter the Rebbe writes, “How wonderful it is to be involved in teaching children. It is a gift and holy responsibility to teach Jewish children, as you are not merely teaching children, but you are teaching Hashem’s children…” 

Launching for the 5785 school year, the Teach for Lubavitch program will offer a unique teaching-Shlichus opportunity for young women in their post seminary year. It will provide an opportunity to actualize the Rebbe’s vision of Chinuch as Shlichus. It is an attractive and meaningful option for the emerging women educators in our community. Besides for a minimal registration fee, the program is fully subsidized, with the help of the MEF’s generous supporters, making high quality teacher training an affordable opportunity. Ultimately, the program’s goal is to create a cohort of well-trained teachers who are equipped with the tools to help each student progress academically, spiritually and emotionally.

Directed by Morah Shana Teichtel, past Principal of Bais Rivkah High School and Chinuch mentor for countless educators, together with Program Administrator, Mrs. Rivka Holzman, Director of Michlelet Chana in Crown Heights and former Curriculum Director at Shulamith School for Girls, participants will spend their first year teaching in one of the program’s partner schools. During the course of the year, they will be receiving on-site mentorship and a comprehensive online teacher training program, in a supportive and Chassidishe environment.

“The Torah commands us to teach our children in the pasuk ‘Veshinantem L’vanecha,’‘ shares Mrs. Teichtel. “This is the responsibility of parents and teachers. A community that does not have teachers will no longer have a future as a Torah Chassidic community. Our teachers use all their Kochos to help our children build an everlasting connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. The long term goal of this program is to inspire individuals to enter the Chinuch field with professionalism, enthusiasm and passion.” 

The Teach for Lubavitch partner schools are located in warm Lubavitch communities throughout the United States. The trainees will be provided with the opportunity to develop their skills within school cultures that are positive and supportive. They will also be able to join community-wide events and nearby Shlichus opportunities. The teaching positions are salaried, and the new teachers will receive credits upon participating in the training courses and mentorship programs. Each professional development course is specially arranged by the MEF to ensure that it reflects Chassidishe Chinuch values and is geared towards educators who teach “Al Taharas Hakodesh.” 

Mrs. Rivka Holzman, Program Administrator, shares, “In a letter that the Rebbe wrote on Chanukah in 1988, the Rebbe urged Anash and young people to focus on the vital role of providing a kosher education for the Jewish youth. The Rebbe calls on everyone, especially the young, to assess their abilities and consider becoming teachers, guides, or school principals. The Rebbe emphasizes that this is the demand and necessity of the hour, encouraging individuals to illuminate their surroundings with the light of Torah and Chasiddus, bringing success both physically and spiritually.” 

For more information and to register, visit



2024-01-23T12:06:01-05:00January 23, 2024|News|

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