Menachem Education Foundation is Collecting Chinuch Stories

In preparation for the annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) is collecting powerful stories of Chinuch – about a teacher, special moment or occasion.

Everyone has a story of Chinuch. Take a moment to think about yours. Did you have a teacher who deeply impacted your growth, healing or life as a whole? Did your teenager’s teacher say the right thing, at the right time? Or did you create a relationship with your principal who truly cared? The Menachem Education Foundation’s annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad empowers and celebrates the role of Chabad women educators, and they are collecting powerful stories of Chinuch to feature at the upcoming event. 

It is the devoted educators who show up for their students day in and day out, who have the hardest time seeing the impact that they make while they face the daily challenges of education. The two-day convention provides inspiration, professional development, networking and rejuvenation for Chabad women educators, and these stories will be featured via professional multimedia presentations throughout, to show Mechanchos about the immense impact that they make, giving them the encouragement to continue dedicating themselves to the Chinuch of our children. 

Submit your story about how an educator has impacted your life, by 4 Iyar / May 24, at, to highlight her as a Chabad woman educator who is making a difference. Whether it is a Mechaneches, general studies teacher, a principal, or the school secretary, you can show Hakaros Hatov while taking part in inspiring Chabad educators worldwide about how they are changing the world one student at a time. This will inspire them to continue giving success in Chinuch to our community’s children. 

To submit your Chinuch story, please visit

To find out more and register for the 8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad that is taking place on 20-21 Av 5783 / August 7-8, 2023 in Stamford, CT, visit 


2023-05-18T09:56:16-04:00May 18, 2023|News|

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