52 Chabad Menahelim Join Leadership Retreat in Coral Springs

52 principals from more than 30 schools across the United States gathered for the annual Chabad Men’s Leadership Retreat organized by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) on 23 and 24 Adar Alef – March 3rd and 4th.

This year’s retreat, hosted by Lubavitch Hebrew Academy (LHA) in Coral Springs, Florida, aimed to elevate the standards of Chabad Chinuch through fostering collaborative efforts among Menahelim and educational leaders to best serve their schools and communities.

“Empowering principals is one of the core missions of MEF because it is through our principals that we can take action in transforming our Chinuch communities,” said Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director of MEF. “When we invest in the leaders who shape our educational institutions, we can effectively reach our teachers, our parents, and most of all, the students.”

The program delved into various aspects of Chinuch, offering insights from esteemed speakers such as Rabbi Aaron Kotler, President Emeritus of Beth Medrash Gevoha, and Rabbi Boruch Hertz, Dean of Lubavitch Girls’ High School.

Rabbi Kotler’s “Building Chinuch-Centric Communities” session provided a blueprint for integrating education into the heart of Chabad communities. Through his vast experience at BMG in Lakewood, he illuminated strategies for placing Moisad Chinuch at the forefront of communal priorities. Later, Rabbi Hertz challenged participants to define the mission of Chabad education, urging them to envision success for their graduates and to strive for excellence in all facets of their schools.

The retreat also facilitated collaborative efforts through focus groups, encouraging school leaders to develop practical steps toward realizing their shared goals.

A highlight of the event was the Leadership Banquet, where Rabbi Yossi Denberg, Dean of LHA and the Head Shliach of Coral Springs, offered passionate greetings, and Rabbi Shalom Ber Lipskar, the Shliach to Bal Harbour, Florida, delivered a keynote address brimming with insights gleaned from his extensive experience in school leadership and his personal Hiskashrus to and guidance from the Rebbe. A special presentation honored Mr. Tzvi Gelman for his tremendous support for Chabad Chinuch worldwide.

The second day of the retreat saw an on-site visit to LHA and a continuation of enriching sessions, and workshops co-facilitated by Mr. Mark Moskowitz and Rabbi Mendy Levin on building the capacity of school staff.

During one engaging session, participants heard from seasoned LHA educators in a panel discussion moderated by Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm, principal of Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Coral Springs. Rabbi Yossi Hodakov, Rabbi Avrohom Granat, and Rabbi Mordechai Lichy all offered unique insights into their interpretation of “best practices” in the classroom, sharing methods and strategies they have found to be effective in enhancing student learning.

The closing session featured inspiring stories from three Menahalim, Rabbi Yossi Korik, Menahel of Sacramento Jewish Academy, Rabbi Sholom Ber Halberstam, Menahel of Mesivta Ohr Eliyahu, and Rabbi Noach Kosofsky, Director of Lubavitch Yeshiva Academy. All three Menahalim emphasized infusing core values into student experiences and transforming challenges into opportunities.

“I am deeply grateful to the Menachem Education Foundation for the privilege of hosting this year’s retreat and sharing Lubavitch Hebrew Academy with the Menahalim,” shared Rabbi Wilhelm. “We were all inspired by the sessions, banquet, and שבת אחים גם יחד, and hope that the inspiration will have a profound impact on Chinuch Chabad.”

“Thank you to our gracious hosts, Rabbis Wilhelm, and Shloime Denberg, alongside our committee members, Rabbis Yoel ChazanLevi KaplanShua Lustig, and Yossi Zavdi, for making this retreat possible and successful,” MEF said. “We would also like to thank our event planner, Nechama Peles of NP Events & Productions, for organizing a beautiful retreat.”


2024-03-18T14:28:13-04:00March 18, 2024|News|

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