Mrs. Shterna Ginsburg – Moshiach U’Geula: Making It Real
Mechanchos Farbrengan Nissan
Mrs. Sara Blau – Making Tefilla Meaningful
Mechanchos Farbrengan Adar
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro – Making Tefilla Meaningful
Mechanchos Farbrengan Adar
Morah Chani Brod – Cultivating Hiskashrus In Our Classrooms
Mechanchos Farbengan Shvat
Rabbi Shimon Raichik – Cultivating Hiskashrus In Our Classrooms
Mechanchos Farbrengan Shvat
Insight Interview
In this resource, a project is assigned to help students make meaning of a new challenge while practicing important academic skills. Students can do "Insight Interview" at any point during or after the historic coronavirus pandemic, to practice community-building, journalism, creative expression, and experience how history is made.
Kuntres Hishtalmus Hamorim
What is the Rebbe's stance on professional development for teachers, and what are the parameters and guidelines for how it should take place? In this Kuntres, learn a selection of the Rebbe's letters on this important topic.
Chinuch Unpaused
Education has faced its most daunting crisis in our times with the Covid-19 school shutdown and subsequent challenges. When the whole world pressed pause, Chabad Chinuch pressed play. In this publication, we tell the story of countless educators who turned crisis into opportunity, and never put Chinuch on hold.
Vision for Chabad Schools
MEF has led a team of Mechanchim in formulating a concise, overarching “Vision for Chabad Schools,” to articulate goals for student outcomes, and to hold ourselves accountable at every step of the way. The Vision is a living document and serves as a basic foundation to build and expound upon.
Standards For Teaching
What are our goalposts as educators, especially when beginning our journey in the classroom? This document outlines 4 areas of teaching proficiency and examples of what proficiency looks like in each area. Use this as your own guidebook to grow as a teacher, or as a point of reference for teacher coaching or supervision.
Revisiting Education
Chinuch today is more complex than ever with never-before-seen challenges facing our youth. Parents and educators struggle to find way to inspire our children with the same fire and passion that has long sustained Chassidishe Chinuch through the generations. As the greater Chabad community questions and debates how to reinvigorate our Chinuch system, it is imperative to find answers to the core issues we are facing. MEF commissioned JLI’s Machon Shmuel, the Sami Rohr Research Institute division, to study a few of the most pressing Chinuch questions educators face today and draw up a comprehensive report of its findings.
Chumash: Souvenir Journal by Rabbi Elazar Fish
A Veshinantam learning activity in action. Find this resource at