Job Placement

Job Placement2018-03-14T14:30:57-04:00

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Part of MEF’s mission is to get great teachers into the classroom. For this reason, we are dedicated to helping schools fill positions with qualified educators, and to helping aspiring educators find their way into the classroom. In 2015, over 100 job seekers in the educational sector utilized MEF’s Job Fair and placement services with 20 new hires.

If you are a school seeking to fill a position or an educator seeking a position, fill out the form below and an MEF representative will be in touch with you regarding our placement services.

MEF also hosts an annual Chinuch Job Fair in Crown Heights where employers and recruiters from different schools have the opportunity to meet with prospective hires. Find out more about the Chinuch Job Fair here 

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” subheading=”School Placement and Recruitment”][vc_column_text]

As the director of MEF’s educational job placement program, Mr. Sugar has a keen understanding of what schools and job seekers are looking for and works tirelessly to make effective matches that will benefit all parties

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