A Joint Project of MEF and
the Mechanchos Exchange
Join together with other Mechanchos this Thursday, כ”ז אדר to hear words of inspiration and exchange practical ideas!
8:30 – 9:15 PM EST: Featured Presenter on משיח וגאולה: Making it Real
9:15 – 10:00 PM EST: Facilitated Discussion in Breakout Rooms.
Stay tuned for breakout room facilitators! All Mechanchos are welcome.
Mrs. Shterna Ginsberg is co-founder of Gan Yisrael schools in Boro Park, where she has been an educator in many different capacities for over 25 years. She is the author of the acclaimed book “Your Awesome Self,” unpacking the messages of the 12 Pesukim, and is sought after for her inspirational talks and coaching by women all over the world.