Men’s Convention 57842024-07-31T12:07:43-04:00


כ׳׳ה-כ”ו תמוז תשפ׳׳ד
Wednesday & Thursday July 31-August 1, 2024

Sleepy Hollow Hotel
455 S Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591

Registration Closes י”ט תמוז – July 25

About the Chabad Chinuch Convention & Retreat

The 24th Annual Kinus HaMechanchim brings together Mechanchim from across the globe for two days of knowledge, inspiration, networking, and practical teaching solutions. As a fully immersive retreat, the Convention gives Mechanchim the opportunity to refresh and rejuvenate in an elegant atmosphere, while gaining tools from renowned educational experts on relevant Chinuch topics, for the coming year.

Whether you are a melamed or menahel; and whether you teach Limudei Kodesh or Limudei Chol, in Cheder, or Mesivta – we invite you to join us. Feel treated and empowered, equipped and inspired at the Kinus HaMechanchim.

About The Merkos Chinuch Office

The Merkos Chinuch – Education Office is a cohesive center for administrators, educators, students, and parents of Chabad-Lubavitch educational institutions. It provides professional guidance and services to existing Chabad schools. It assists in the establishment of new schools and provides professional training for educators. This office coordinates the activities of the Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch National Accreditation Board (MLCNAB) and the International Board of License.

About The Menachem Education Foundation

At the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF), our mission is to champion Chabad students by working with Chabad schools to raise the bar of learning and empower teachers and leaders. We have an uncompromising focus on student success and strive to be the best advocates for our students.

The Menachem Education Foundation accomplishes its mission through high quality programming including: teacher training, leadership training, curriculum development, workshops and webinars, coaching and consulting, monthly Farbrengens, Chinuch placement services, tuition grants, networking opportunities and more!

For more about MEF, visit

Convention Theme 5784

לקרב לבן של ישראל לאביהם שבשמים
Igniting Hearts, Nurturing Minds

ובפרט שהצליחו השי”ת לעמוד בקרן אורה לקרב לבן של ישראל לאבינו שבשמים ע”י חינוך הכשר שאין לך חלק יפה מזה
אגרות קודש
כרך י”אג’תקסא

Kinus Program


Avremel Hershkovich has served as the Director of Operations at the Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago for the past 14 years, where he has successfully cut costs and implemented efficient protocols across various departments. His leadership has significantly enhanced operational effectiveness within the organization. He also oversees security for both the Mesivta and his Shul, while assisting fellow Shluchim with any security recommendations or concerns, helping ensure a safe environment for the community. Additionally, he played a key role in founding Magen Chicago, a grassroots community safety organization dedicated to local protection and support.

Rabbi Moskovitch is the Menahel in Yeshiva Mesoras Avos for 18 years. YMA is a chassidish yeshiva with more then 600 students. As an EOS Implementer help teams clarify their vision and get everyone on the same page to communicate well and run efficiently.

Rabbi Kaplan has been the principal of cheder chabad of Monsey since 2018, he previously served as director of Torah Cafe and myShiur, a brance of the Jewish Learning Institute dedicated to making the study of Talmud accessible. Rabbi Kaplan serves as a Rabbi of a local shul and has lectured on parenting since 2000.

Nachi is the founder and CEO of Meaningful Minute and the co-host of the Meaningful People Podcast.

Rabbi Granat has been a teacher since 2001, including schools in Las Vegas, Milwaukee and Florida. He is also a mohel, shochet, eruv builder and bodek shaatnez, among other jobs. When he’s not teaching, he can be found electrocuting hot dogs (or himself!).

Rabbi Chaim Kosofsky does community shlichus for LYA in Longmeadow, MA. He has a strong background in dikduk; he’s leined 45 years with an emphasis on correct trop, nikud, and accenting the correct syllable, in a pleasant tune. He teaches a weekly class in the Arizal, and writes a weekly dvar Torah based on the Shaloh. He is the author of Much, Much Better (Hachai, 2006).

Rabbi Chaim Rosenstein lives in Florida with his wife and five children, ka”h. He graduated from Touro College with a degree in Finance and has been successfully helping people across the USA improve their financial situations for nearly fifteen years, b”h. Since moving to Florida in 2021, Rabbi Rosenstein has voluntarily served as the government liaison for the Jewish community of Lauderhill, FL.

Rabbi Levi Feldman is a renowned “teacher’s teacher”. His passion for Chinuch impacts teachers and students alike. His unique discipline model, and effective strategies have been tested and proven in the classroom. Rabbi Feldman takes his expertise to a global audience by way of his online training courses, mentoring and school visitations throughout the U.S. He takes pride in teaching his eighth-grade students, and enjoys bringing his live experience to his workshops.

Meet Rabbi Levi Lipinski, a passionate educator dedicated to inspiring the next generation. Growing up on Shlichus in Venezuela and Argentina, he developed a deep love for Chinuch (Jewish education). In 2017, Rabbi Levi founded The Mitzvah Club, a groundbreaking initiative that prepares boys from all backgrounds for their Bar Mitzvah. His innovative approach has made a profound impact, and his resources are now used globally. Author of the acclaimed “Bar Mitzvah Torah Trainer” (2019) and “The Megillah Trainer” (2020), Rabbi Levi’s materials have become a staple for parents, teachers, and Shluchim worldwide. When he’s not writing or leading The Mitzvah Club, you can find Rabbi Levi teaching 2nd grade in Philadelphia, where he moved with his family in 2017. His energy and dedication are inspiring a new generation of young learners!”

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz is the Menahel of Ohr Menachem and Rav of Anshei Moshe. Rabbi Yusewitz is a sought after speaker and frequently leads farbrengens at 770 and elsewhere. In addition, his shiurim on Chitas, Rambam and other topics are widely enjoyed.

Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum is the principal of Cheder Menachem Los Angeles and recipient of the Milken Family Foundation’s Jewish Educators Award. He has served as an educational consultant for various organizations and educational initiatives, including Sichos in English and Tzivos Hashem, and implements innovative systems for outstanding education in his school. Rabbi Greenbaum is one of the authors of the Zekelman Standards for Chumash, as well as co-director of the Chabad School Leadership Program.

Rabbi Mendel Moscowitz has been a 3rd grade teacher at Cheder Lubavitch, Skokie, IL for the past 35 years. His past experiences include a position as Director of Outreach at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has been lecturing to adult audiences throughout the State of Illinois for the past 3 decades, and is a feature writer for the HaChayol magazine. His first book, “The Life and Times of the Alter Rebbe” is a comprehensive biography of the founder of Chabad Chassidus. He also wrote a children’s book titled, “The Prince Who Forgot”, which is distributed by Feldheim Publishers. In addition, Rabbi Moscowitz has been the director of the Cheder Boys Choir since 1998. 

Growing up in Brooklyn, Mendy discovered his passion for sharing Torah at a young age. He taught at the first online Jewish school before joining the Hebrew Academy of Orange County, and now dedicates his free time to leading youth programs. With 15 years of experience, Mendy inspires young minds and makes a lasting impact on his students’ lives.

Rabbi Moshe Weinfeld is a passionate 5th grade teacher with 10 years of teaching experience at Cheder Chabad, Toronto and producer of the popular podcast “Chassidim and Niggunim”.

Rabbi Nochum Schapiro is a Miami native. He has the zchus in teaching in the mossad that educated him. He has been teaching grade 8/9th for 16 years.

Rabbi Osher Farkash is the Mashpia Roshi in Yeshiva Gedola Chabad – Buenos Aires, Argentina, and one of the most prominent Mashpi’im in Chabad worldwide. One of his most popular online Shiurim is the yearly Bosi L’Gani Maamar which is learned in preparation for Yud Shevat. Rabbi Farkash is the author of “Lachayos Im HaNevi’im – L’Or Toras HaChassidus”.

Educational Consultant, Family Counselor specializing in Crisis Counseling, author of Confessions of a Cultbuster & Whatever it Takes

Rabbi Shmuly Hayes grew up on Shlichus in Ottawa, Canada, where his parents founded the Chabad day school. With a teaching career spanning 20 years, he has taught grades 1-11 in Johannesburg, South Africa, Crown Heights, Ottawa, and Montreal. He served as a teacher, principal, and director at the Ottawa day school for six years. Rabbi Hayes also directed camps in Ottawa and Montreal and created programs for Anash teens at risk in Crown Heights and Montreal. Passionate about cultivating a love for Yiddishkeit and learning in his students, Rabbi Hayes focuses on unlocking each student’s inner drive to learn and do the right thing by providing supportive conditions and removing obstacles from their path.

Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm, Principal at Lubavitch Hebrew Academy, drives a holistic approach to education, uniting school and home to empower students’ comprehensive development.

Rabbi Yaacov Cohen is the Executive Director of the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, a K-12 boys Yeshiva with almost 1,100 talmidim, where he oversees all finance and operational aspects of the school. Additionally, Rabbi Cohen is a senior partner-coach at Causematch, and has coached over 80 crowdfunding campaigns, providing best practices and insights to enable organizations to excel in crowdfunding campaigns. Rabbi Cohen recently launched YC Nonprofit Consulting, where he provides guidance to executives of various organizations, focusing on enhancing nonprofit governance, operations, fundraising, and organizational practices.

Yakov is a therapist specializing in trauma, couples counseling, and sex addiction. He is also the author of Attached and the host of The Attached Life podcast. Yakov is a popular speaker on topics related to Jusaism, psychology, and philosophy.

Rabbi Yosef Braun was elected as a member of the Beis Din of Crown Heights in 2010 (5770). He is known for his encyclopedic knowledge of Jewish Law. He supervises the website, a database of contemporary halachic questions, which receives hundreds of questions online from all over the world. Rabbi Braun was previously the Rav of the Tzemach Tzedek shul in Sydney, Australia, served as an executive member of the Rabbinical Council of Sydney, and was appointed by the Department of Education of New South Wales to oversee the Jewish Studies curriculum for Jewish Day Schools.

Veteran educator, principal and CEO of blue-ribbon winning Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh, Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum steers the content and development of the Zekelman Standards and acts as a senior advisor of MEF’s educational initiatives. Rabbi Rosenblum has contributed to numerous educational initiatives, including the Sefer Hamitzvos Chidon and Gemara Berura program, and is a sought after educational consultant.

Rabbi Zalmy Kudan serves as a Shliach in S. Barbara, CA, and Educational Director of Lamplighters Jewish Academy in Oxnard, CA. He serves as Vice President of Education for Camp Gan Israel International, and is a Tzivos Hashem International board member.

Rabbi Zelly Silber is a veteran Melamed of middle school in Cheder Chabad of Monsey, and a sought after mentor and presenter for teachers of various age groups. His dedication to and passion for chassidishe Chinuch, combined with his expertise and systematic approach, are evident in the classroom as well as in his vibrant, interactive workshops. Rabbi Silber was trained in mentorship by the New Teacher Project, and is a graduate of MEF’s Teacher Induction Program, which he eventually directed as well for many years.

Rabbi Scharf has been teaching Gemoro and Chassidus for 13 years, to 9th grade, and serving as Mashpia. Rabbi Scharf also facilitates Chinuch workshops for Mesivta teachers.

Leibel is Tasked with assisting Chabad Houses internationally with security issues. Developing and maintaining security guidelines and best practices. Creating training protocols and standards for general security, incident response and disaster management. Leibel’s security career began after serving in a combat unit in the IDF for 3+ years, finishing his service as a company sergeant. Leibel worked for several security companies as a contractor, managing teams involved in personnel protection, event security and facility hardening/loss prevention. In 2014 Leibel began managing logistics and security operations for several e-commerce warehouses. After the Tree of Life shooting, Leibel began to offer security awareness and basic firearms training free of charge to any local Jewish communities or people who requested it. Since 2020 Leibel has been working on creating a security infrastructure for the worldwide Chabad network.

Dov is the Director of Physical Security Programs for the Community Security Initiative of New York. He oversees all assessments (160 in 2024), physical security design, and consultation to Jewish organizations in the New York area. He also provides trainings, one-on-one consultation, and hosts an ongoing webinar series on navigating security grant application requirements and procurement rules. Prior to CSI, Dov served two Homeland Security Commissioners in New York and served as a liaison to the Jewish community. Within the agency he also worked intimately with the grants and “saw how the sausage is made” – and he shares this expertise with grantees to best support them through the entire grant cycle. His specific background is in security design, counterterrorism, and high-security facilities and has held executive positions in nonprofit, corporate, and consulting groups

Charles (Chuck) Berkowitz retired from the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) Special Service Unit within its Intelligence Bureau in September 2020 as a Detective First Grade, the highest rank for NYPD detectives. Chuck brings over 20 years of expertise in security, counterterrorism, undercover operations, and other criminal investigations at the local, state, and federal level. Chuck started his career in the United States Army 2/75 Ranger Regiment, and enlisted upon graduating from The Ohio State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in education. Chuck received a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.



What is the registration fee for the Chinuch Convention?2024-06-04T11:18:19-04:00

Please refer to our new 3 tier pricing structure on the registration section of this page. We ask educators to please pay the actual cost if possible (tier 1), or the subsidized price (tier 2). Tier 3 and scholarships are to ensure that no teacher is left behind from participating in this conference.

What is included in my registration fee?2024-06-05T15:03:06-04:00

Your registration includes the hotel accommodations, workshops and sessions, meals and refreshments and any additional amenities provided by the hotel such as swimming. This is true regardless of which pricing tier you choose, unless you select Daytime or Banquet only. Bussing is an additional fee that you can select during registration.

What if I need to arrive the night before the program begins, or depart the morning after it ends?2024-06-04T11:16:13-04:00

We have included extended stay options for before and after the program in the registration form. Please note that there is no programming, meals or refreshments provided before program start time and after the program concludes. If you are reserving an extra night at the hotel, please ensure that you packed all of your needs for the extended stay.

What should I pack?2024-06-04T11:15:42-04:00

Water bottles, refreshments, pens and notepads will be provided to you. The hotel room comes stocked with your showering needs. Please feel free to bring anything else that will make you comfortable during your stay. Hotels tend to maintain a chilly temperature in the session rooms as well as bedrooms, so feel free to bring an extra layer for the daytime in case it’s needed, as well as an extra layer of sleepwear if you think you might be cold. (You can also adjust the thermostat in your individual room upon arrival.) If you enjoy swimming, please bring your bathing suit as well.

Are there health guidelines?2024-06-05T14:53:13-04:00

Out of respect for fellow participants, please do not come if you have an active contagious illness. At the same time, we do not take responsibility for the health-related conduct or outcomes of anyone participating in the Kinus. If you are at-risk or have health concerns at the Kinus, please use your own discretion in choosing to participate or taking any precautions that will make you feel more comfortable at the event.

What is the cancellation policy?2024-06-04T11:23:57-04:00

Should you need to cancel before July 24 – י”ח תמוז , you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee. After that date, only health-related cancellations will receive the 50% refund. No other refunds will be available.

What is the Kashrus standard at the Kinus?2024-06-04T11:23:46-04:00

The event is under the OU, with a mashgiach Lubavitch Mashgiach and Lubavitch Shchita.

How do I know if this Kinus is for me?2024-06-04T11:23:36-04:00

If you hold or are looking to hold any Chinuch position for the coming school year, then you will enjoy the tools, networking, and inspiration provided by this event. This includes both Limudei Kodesh or General Studies, school leadership or teaching roles, assistants and specialists, for Pre1-A through Mesivta. Whether you are a new teacher-in-training or a veteran educator, Mechanchim of all ages and stages have enjoyed this event. This is a Chabad event, however you are welcome to join whatever kind of school you teach in. Please be respectful of Chabad values when attending the Kinus.

Can I bring my family?2024-06-04T11:20:11-04:00

This event is for men only. Please make other arrangements for your family at that time, as we cannot accommodate spouses and children at the hotel.

Menachem education foundation

Executive Director
Rabbi Zalman Shneur

Program Director
Rabbi Mendel Moscowitz

Event Producer
Mrs. A. Feldman


Rabbi Nosson Gurary

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Kagan

Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf


Rabbi Nochum Kaplan,

Rabbi Mendel Blau

Rabbi Yossi Denberg

Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum

Rabbi Yosef Simpson

Conference Program Committee

Rabbi Menachem Amar
Darchei Menachem – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Reuven Deray
Cheder Lubavitch – Skokie, IL

Rabbi Mannis Frankel
Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel
Lubavitch Educational Center (LEC) – Miami, FL

Rabbi Shmary Gurary
Bnos Menachem – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Shmuly Gniwisch
Torah Day School – Houston, TX

Rabbi Avraham Granat
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy – Margate, FL

Rabbi Zalmen Shimon Itkin
Cheder Chabad – Delray Beach, FL

Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Cheder Chabad of Monsey – Spring Valley, NY

Rabbi Menachem Kirschenbaum
Merkos Chinuch Office – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Yisroel Langsam
United Lubavitcher Yeshiva – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig
Oholei Menachem, Oholei Torah – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Yisroel Menkes
Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch – Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Rabbi Avremi Popack
Hebrew Academy – Orange County, CA

Rabbi Shmuel Reinetz
Cheder Menachem – Kingston, PA

Rabbi Yechiel Schanowitz
Cheder Chabad Baltimore – Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Avrahom Sherr
United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway – Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Yossi Touger
Bais Chaya Mushka Girls High School – Monsey, NY

Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy – Margate, FL


The Resource Fair at the Kinus HaMechanchim Chabad is an opportunity to connect Mechanchim with products, services, and resources for themselves, their families and their classrooms.

The fair will take place on Thursday, August 1st, כ”ו תמוז, from 8 AM to 6 PM at Sleepy Hollow Hotel in Tarrytown, NY.

If you provide products that Chabad Mechanchim can benefit from, whether it is books, self-care services, family friendly gifts, educational resources, school programs or services, you can register below to showcase at the Kinus HaMechanchim Resource Fair.

Please note the following important details:

  • Your registration includes 1 folding table, table cloth, 1 chair, and a sign that we will print and hang on your table.
  • Please respect other vendors by only using the amount of space and time that you registered for.
  • If you need to drop off your materials in advance, you can do so anytime on Wednesday while the conference is in session. Please notify us in advance if you need any assistance unloading or storing your merchandise.
  • Resource fair registration does not include hotel accommodations, but a room can be added for Wednesday night to your reservation for an additional fee of $200.
  • If you were a vendor at the Women’s Kinus please email for a coupon code of $150 off the men’s resource fair fee.


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