Chabad Women Principals and School Leaders Gather

Following the Kinus Hashluchos in Crown Heights, 25 women gathered over כ”ב-כ”ג שבט for further training and inspiration in their unique shlichus: Chabad School Leadership.

Principals, assistant principals and curriculum directors from around the world came together to delve into the theme of communication as the cornerstone of effective leadership. They enjoyed workshops with Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, acclaimed principal and leadership trainer, as well as Rabbi Shais Taub, who discussed tactics for how to communicate with students, and Mrs. Nami Friedman, who provided techniques for effective teacher observations and giving feedback that makes a difference. Dr. Sara Rosenfeld, all the way from Melbourne, AU, also provided one on one mentoring and inspiration at the program.

On day 2 of the conference, principals visited classrooms in action to further fill their toolboxes with best practices to take home. High school principals spent the morning in Bnos Chomesh Academy with Mrs. Dena Gorkin, and elementary principals visited Yeshiva Sha’arei Tzion with Mrs. Raizel Nissim.

The conference was facilitated by the Menachem Education Foundation as part of their leadership training initiatives. “School leadership absolutely sets the tone for the entire school,” says Educational Director Mrs. Chanah Rose. “The most powerful impact of the conference was all of the conversation taking place about how to make schools more positive, nurturing places for teachers and students.”

The schedule was crafted by a planning committee representing the diverse moisdois that form Chabad Chinuch: Mrs. Chanie Geisinsky, Associate Head of School of Silverstein Hebrew Academy in Great Neck, Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld, principal of Bais Chana High School LEC in Miami, and Mrs. Nami Friedman, assistant principal of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh, girls’ elementary.

Overwhelmingly, principals were glad to have the opportunity to discuss common challenges and share solutions, as well as gain practical tools to take home.  Mrs. Zeesy Deren attended all the way from Cape Town, South Africa. “I am so happy that I came to the conference today,” she says. “I really want to thank MEF for all of the inspiration of taking our schools to the next level.”

Mrs. Leah Levin of Ateres Chaya school in Crown Heights elaborates: “It’s a big achrayus to be mechanech, to be menahel. This is something special, really a gift to the schools, that we are able to learn from each other and connect more to the horaos of the Rebbe.”

Session recordings will be available for purchase shortly. Please email [email protected] for more details.

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2019-04-03T12:37:26-04:00February 27, 2019|News|

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