Yedios Klalios
Yediah Klalis
Author: Dr. Sara Rosenfeld
Grades Pre-1A to 6
Dr. Sara Rosenfeld
[email protected]
AU: +61407545306
USA: 646-504-7477
This is a Yediah Klalis curriculum complete with a booklet ready to print for the students. It also includes teacher charts outlining the standards, criteria for successful outcomes, and suggested resources and activities for each standard.
Created by a Chabad educator
Chayeinu Workbooks
Grades 1-6
[email protected]
A series of workbooks that go through essential topics in Yedios Klalios. Reach out when purchasing to request a teacher’s answer key as well. Workbook topics are listed on the website. Pages are designed in a cute way to keep kids interested.
Hard copy
Yediyot Kloliot – Jewish Numbers Curriculum
Author: Mrs. ND Hendel
Grades 3-8
Mrs. ND Hendel
[email protected]
This is a beloved collection of Yediyot Klaliot organized by numbers. There are worksheets and a song for each Jewish Number so students internalize the information in an enjoyable way. There is also a set of cards for students to collect. An example of topics included in Jewish #6: Days of Creation, Books of Mishnah, Keilim in Mishkan, Fast Days & more. Please reach out via email for inquiries and purchases.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Yedios Klalios
Author: Ceita Wilhelm
Grades 6-8
Ceita Wilhelm
[email protected]
Each of the three units comes with a workbook, worksheets and quizzes which are administered on a weekly basis. It starts off with basic concepts such as א-ב and רש”י, and advances to more complex lessons. Each lesson has a פתגם to be learned בעל פה. The final unit is a Tefilah unit with select Tefillos for students to be tested on orally, such as Al Hamichya and Tefillas Haderech. Includes student workbook, worksheets, and PowerPoints.
Created by a Chabad educator
Yedios Klalios
Author: Mrs. Dalfin
Grades 2 – 8
LEC – Mrs. Dalfin
Our Yedios Klalios Curriculum is a cumulative curriculum starting from 2nd grade until 8th grade. The topics included are important knowledge we believe the students should have.
Our curriculum includes books divided per week of the year [matching current events in the calendar], weekly quizzes, song lyrics, song audio (Kol Yisha)
We also have an online option for grades 3-7.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download