Yedios Klalios

Yediah Klalis

Grades Pre-1A to 6
Dr. Sara Rosenfeld
[email protected]
AU: +61407545306
USA: 646-504-7477

This is a Yediah Klalis curriculum complete with a booklet ready to print for the students. It also includes teacher charts outlining the standards, criteria for successful outcomes, and suggested resources and activities for each standard.

Created by a Chabad educator

Chayeinu Workbooks

Grades 1-6
[email protected]

A series of workbooks that go through essential topics in Yedios Klalios. Reach out when purchasing to request a teacher’s answer key as well. Workbook topics are listed on the website. Pages are designed in a cute way to keep kids interested.

Hard copy

Yediyot Kloliot – Jewish Numbers Curriculum

Grades 3-8
Mrs. ND Hendel
[email protected]

This is a beloved collection of Yediyot Klaliot organized by numbers. There are worksheets and a song for each Jewish Number so students internalize the information in an enjoyable way. There is also a set of cards for students to collect. An example of topics included in Jewish #6: Days of Creation, Books of Mishnah, Keilim in Mishkan, Fast Days & more. Please reach out via email for inquiries and purchases.

Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download

Yedios Klalios

Grades 6-8
Ceita Wilhelm
[email protected]

Each of the three units comes with a workbook, worksheets and quizzes which are administered on a weekly basis. It starts off with basic concepts such as א-ב and רש”י, and advances to more complex lessons. Each lesson has a פתגם to be learned בעל פה. The final unit is a Tefilah unit with select Tefillos for students to be tested on orally, such as Al Hamichya and Tefillas Haderech. Includes student workbook, worksheets, and PowerPoints.

Created by a Chabad educator

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