Parsha / Dvar Torah
Parashat Shavua
Author: Chani Segal
K – 6th
Chani Segal
[email protected]
This free resource offers a range of engaging activities for different ages to experience the Parsha in a hands-on and meaningful way. Each Parsha features at least one arts and crafts activity, complete with step-by-step images, as well as riddles and a question page about the Parsha. There’s also an animated PowerPoint presentation for each Parsha with text from the Pesukim of the Parsha. The site includes Parsha reading pages, a Chassidishe idea from Maayan Chai translated into multiple languages, and a weekly Chassidishe video with text, including fill-in-the-blank activities and coloring sheets.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Parsha Pop-Ups
Author: Mushky Yiftach
Grades 2-5
Mushky Yiftach
[email protected]
Parsha Pop-Up is a multi-sensory parsha lesson and craft with guided instructions and hands-on learning that leaves students of diverse ages with a magnificent display of their parsha lesson at the end of each week. Acclaimed by educators, parents and students alike.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Parsha Copywork
Author: Chana Voola
Grades 2-5
Chana Voola
[email protected]
Includes one pasuk from each parsha to write in both Hebrew script. Features an English translation for kesiva and handwriting practice.
Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy
Weekly Dvar Torah
Author: Soroh Sirota
Grades 2 and 4-6
Soroh Sirota
[email protected]
Weekly fill-in-the-blank Dvar Torah based on a sicha of the Rebbe. Includes teachers’ answer key and editable version. Contact via WhatsApp for samples.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Parsha Standards
Author: Chana Rose
Grade 2-6
Rivky Horowitz
[email protected]
This resource provides a scaffolded parsha learning curriculum, focusing on Horaos, Middos and general knowledge of each parsha. Includes a Teacher’s Guide, spreadsheets, and student workbooks.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Parsha Question Sheets
Author: Soroh Sirota
Grades 5-7
Soroh Sirota
[email protected]
Skill-based parsha questions involving independent work, looking into the Chumash to answer questions on pshat, and to divide the parsha into sections based on titles given. Bonus Rashi questions for higher level students. Includes teachers’ answer key and editable versions. Contact via WhatsApp for samples.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Back to Basics Sichos
Author: Rabbi Dovid Rahmani
Grades 6-12
Rabbi Dovid Rahmani
[email protected]
Back 2 Basics was created by a small group of people who are passionate about the Sichos of the Rebbe and the importance of delivering these Sichos to the younger generation in a manner that is appealing, exciting, relevant and interesting. B2B allows the students to learn on their own and gives them the tools they need to make the experience enjoyable, inspiring, and exciting. More than simply acquiring information, the students will accumulate the skills they need in order to learn Sichos for the rest of their lives.
Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy
Sichos Curriculum
Grade 5-6
Rivky Horowitz
[email protected]
This curriculum aims to take the weekly Dvar Torah to the next level. The lessons are based on Sichos of the Rebbe. Incorporated in each week’s lesson is a paragraph from the original sicha. The objective is to prepare students for learning lengthier sections of sichos in the future. Includes 37 PPT Sicha Lessons with sources, and a student workbook.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Parsha Questions Workbook
Grade 5-6
Rivky Horowitz
[email protected]
This workbook includes a selection of questions spanning each week’s parsha, by directing students to the precise perek and pasuk for each question. As the year progresses, students improve their skill of finding answers in the original text of Chumash and Rashi. Includes a student workbook and teacher’s workbook with an answer guide.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Maayan Chai Divrei Torah
Author: Chaya Chazan
Grade 6
Chaya Chazan
[email protected]
(612) 708-1569
Encourage independent learning with clear, easy to fill out flowcharts, a list of hard words, and a completed answer key. The flowcharts are based on a sicha from Maayan Chai in simple Ivrit.
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download
Haftorah Indepent Packets
Author: Mushky Lipsker
5th-8th Grade
Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator
[email protected]
Whatsapp 516-421-7071
Help your students “Take the Haftorah to Heart” ❤️ with these evergrowingeducator independent packets. Students can learn it on their own (great for early finishers!), as extra credit, with buddies or you can teach it as a Friday extra!
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download