
Zekelman Standards for Chumash

Grades 1-8
[email protected]

The Zekelman Standards for Chumash present benchmarks for student mastery of text-based Chumash learning at each grade level. Authored and reviewed by leading educators and used in a broad spectrum of Yeshiva and day schools around the world, their goal is independent and inspired lifelong learning for every student. There are standards for each grade, plus resources that align with the standards.

Created by Chabad educators
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Chumash Skills Curriculum

Grades 3-8
Mrs. ND Hendel
[email protected]

This curriculum helps students grow in their skills to learn Chumash independently. It includes a 140 page color-coded workbook to practice each skill, no matter the level of the class. It includes activities for: 5 Chumashim, Gematria, Prefixes, Shorashim (verbs), Millim (nouns), Suffixes, and how to learn Rashi. Available in Ivrit or English. There are differentiated workbooks depending on the grade. For more info and purchases please email me!

Created by a Chabad educator
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Chumash Curriculum/Workbook

Grades 3-8
Mrs. ND Hendel
[email protected]

This curriculum teaches each Parsha by topic. It begins with a set of Pesukim and translations, and continues with comprehension questions and Rashis, finishing with review pages and games. Parshiyot so far: Vayeitzei, Vayishlach, Vayeishev & Mikeitz; Shemot, Vaeira & Bo; Bamidbar, Naso, Korach & Chukat; Devarim & Vaetchanan. Available in Ivrit or English, with a Teacher’s Guide. For more info and purchases please email me!

Created by a Chabad educator
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Tools for Torah

Grades 4-8
Rabbi Alevsky
[email protected]

Toldos, Vayeitzei, Vayishlach, Vayeishev, Mikeitz, and Vayigash. The Chumash Workbooks are now in a new format, divided into about 15 units per parsha. Each unit has 10-15 Chumash skill building activities. Available for purchase as a PDF or as printed books.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Chumash Workbooks for Bshalach-Yisro
and Korach-Chukas

Upper Elementary
Mushka Cohen
[email protected]

Full teacher’s guide, worksheets, slideshows, quizzes, tests, review games and supplements, with sources from Meforshim and Chassidus.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Chumash Skills Workbook

Middle school
Rabbi Tzvi Daum
[email protected]

This book helps students gain core Chumash Vocabulary by focusing on the most frequent words in Tanach. The grammar portion focuses on Nouns and Adjectives and teaches, prefixes and suffixes, יחיד ורבים, as well as זכר ונקבה etc. There are numerous activities for students to practice.

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Chumash Workbooks (for select Parshios in Shemot and Bamidbar)

Grades 5-6
Rabbi Tzvi Daum
[email protected]

Rabbi Tzvi Daum offers an impressive collection of educational resources focusing on middle-school students. His workbooks cover a broad spectrum of Parashiot in Sefer Shemot and Sefer Bamidbar, designed to engage students through various question types and activities. All of Rabbi Daum’s workbooks are available for viewing and purchase on his author page on Amazon. School discounts are available – please reach out via email.

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L’Shon HaTorah

Grades 1-6
Rabbi Yehuda Winder
[email protected]

L’Shon HaTorah series is a valuable resource designed to facilitate comprehensive learning of Hebrew grammar and foundational vocabulary with the aim of enabling accurate and fluent translation. Tailored for effective teaching, the meticulously crafted workbooks empower students to acquire essential skills crucial for translation proficiency. The series focuses on exploring the meanings of prefixes and suffixes in Hebrew words, providing a strategic approach to understanding linguistic structures. This method establishes a robust foundation for language acquisition, allowing students to navigate complex vocabulary efficiently.

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Lehavin U’lehaskil

Grades 1-6

L’havin U’lehaskil is a Hebrew language-skills based primary school Judaic curriculum approach in which Jewish children across the religious spectrum learn to decode Torah verses on their own. There are workbooks, teachers guides and training available for each Sefer. It is a skills-based curriculum with options for many Parshios.

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Milim & List Quizzes

Grades 6-7
Rivky Horowitz
[email protected]

An excellent resource for building and reinforcing students’ Chumash vocabulary in middle school. Students are tested on one list of words per week in a cumulative fashion.

The package includes two sets of word lists and quizzes. Suggested for grades 6 and 7 respectively.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Chumash Booklets

Available for all elementary grades
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

This Chumash curriculum is fully customizable for the needs of each school. Teacher training is included. Each parshah has a thorough teacher’s guide. For Bereishis, Perek Alef is learned word for word with linear translation sheets, key words and basic shorashim. For Perakim Beis, Gimmel, and Daled, students learn to relate the storyline using the words of the Chumash. For Toldos through Vayechi, and Shemos through Beshalach, translation sheets and workbooks emphasize language skills and content and thematic comprehension. For Mikeitz, Yisro, Ki Sisa, Bamidbar, and Naso, teacher’s guides and starter units help the teacher continue to develop sheets within the model. Supplementary language-development training is available.

Created by a Chabad educator
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The Picture Chumash – Chumash Companion

Grades 1 – 5
R’ Shmuel Kaufmann
[email protected]

Chumash – Parshas Lech Lecha, Vayeira, Chayei Sarah. Toldos (coming soon).

The Picture Chumash is an innovative resource that pairs the full Passuk with detailed illustrations, making each Passuk accessible and engaging for all learners, especially those who thrive with visual aids. It has clear parsing of Pesukim, supported by maps, charts, and activities. Additionally, the guided questions and review pages help students grasp both the individual words and the overall narrative flow. It can be used as a primary textbook or a supplementary tool.

Please note: The Chumash Companion version contains the entire Parsha.

Created by a Chabad educator
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The Picture Chumash – Perakim Workbooks

Grades 1 – 5
R’ Shmuel Kaufmann
[email protected]

Chumash – Parshas Lech Lecha, Vayeira, Chayei Sarah. Toldos (is currently a WIP)

For a detailed description, refer to “The Picture Chumash – Chumash Companion.” The Perakim workbooks are designed with one Perek per workbook, featuring a dedicated page for each picture and phrase of the Possuk. Additionally, each workbook includes a few extra review pages at the end of each Possuk.

Created by a Chabad educator
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The Picture Chumash – Online Slide Show

Grades 1 – 5
R’ Shmuel Kaufmann
[email protected]

Chumash – Parshas Lech Lecha, Vayeira, Chayei Sarah. Toldos (is currently a WIP)

The online slideshow offers a digital version of the Perakim workbooks. For a nominal monthly subscription, you can gain access to every Parsha, Perek, and Passuk from the Picture Chumash, ideal for projecting in your classroom during Chumash lessons. Harnessing the power of visuals, engage your students on a deeper level.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Children’s Chumash

Grades 1-6
Torah For Children – Rabbi Yehuda Adelist
[email protected]

The Children’s Chumash is Parsha by Parsha (Bereishis, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira, Chayei Sarah, Toldos and Vayeitzei with more coming soon iyh) in full color, rich in illustrations and content and endorsed by educators. The Children’s Chumash is a comprehensive visual Chumash incorporating all the skills necessary to become an independent learner in a systematic way. The visual and engaging format simultaneously stimulates the advanced learners and engages the academically challenged.

Each Parsha includes: A textbook/workbook with a Teacher’s Guide, Complimentary access to a digital file for smartboard/projector use with paid print student copies, Optional Vocabulary Flashcards and Assessments (Assessments coming shortly iyh).

Created by a Chabad educator
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