Peirush Hatfilah

Ready, Set, Daven!

Grades 4-8
Contact privately for bulk discount
Liba Rimler
[email protected]

Ready, Set, Daven! is a 180-page inspirational journal used by 1,000+ students internationally. This journal helps students personally connect with davening through meaningful, relatable concepts and creative prompts. Great discussion starters. Available on Amazon Prime or via email for private bulk discount. Sample pages available on Amazon.

Created by a Chabad educator
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מזמור לתודה, לקל ברוך, שש זכירות

Grade 4
Rivky Horowitz
[email protected]

Students take a journey through selected sections of Tefillos by delving into the meaning and significance. Includes teacher’s guide, teacher’s resources, student workbook, and 7 PPT files.

Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download

Shmoneh Esrei Workbook

Grades 1-2
Devora Yanni
[email protected]
WhatsApp (+5511) 99920 0603

This 37-page workbook is specifically designed to provide focused practice on the Kriah of Shmoneh Esrei, with additional emphasis on developing Kesivah skills and building vocabulary. The workbook systematically progresses through the structure of Shmoneh Esrei, developing basic knowledge. With a balance of simplicity and depth, this workbook is an ideal tool for cultivating fundamental skills among younger students.

Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download

Peirush HaTefilah

Grades 2-6
Grades 3-8
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

Each curriculum is available in two levels, appropriate for several grades. The curriculum includes a comprehensive teacher’s guide that articulates the enduring understandings, learning objectives, teaching strategies and review questions for each brachah. The content is rich and includes Chassidus. There are many review sheets that foster retention of information. The Tefillah curriculum is a comprehensive package, encompassing a workshop, workbooks, teacher guides and training.

The Birchos Hashachar workbook begins with an expression of appreciation for the basic things Hashem does for us. In addition to learning the meaning and translation of the brachos, there are discussions about various concepts: What is the neshamah? What is kedushah? How do we become “holy”? Each brachah is another opportunity to discuss concepts in an age-appropriate manner. Curriculum includes a comprehensive teacher’s guide that articulates the enduring understandings, learning objectives, teaching strategies and review questions for each brachah. 

The Shmoneh Esrei booklet was developed for students learning to say Shemoneh Esrei so that the hashkafah and main ideas are embedded within the very words they have learned to say. The upper level workbook takes this program a step further, teaching the origin of each brachah, and offering more Chassidus insights, with opportunities for reflective review. An accompanying “Kavanah Journal” helps students capture the inspirational ideas and relate each one to their personal life. Curriculum includes a comprehensive teacher’s guide that articulates the enduring understandings, learning objectives, teaching strategies and review questions for each brachah. 

Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy

This Moment: A Tefillah Journal for Kids

Chana Voola
[email protected]

This is a journal for each student (for boys and girls) to use for 5 minutes of quiet time before davening, for kids to build their personal relationship with Hashem, and talk to Hashem in their own words.  

Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy

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