
Kef Book – Hashem’s Wonderworld

Author: Chana Voola

Pre-K – Kindergarten
Chana Voola
[email protected]

A fun workbook that engages kids in learning about the creation of the world through Alef-Beis learning and skill building activities such as mazes, memory games, connect the dots, coloring, and more.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Kesivah Workbooks

Author: Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro

Grades 1-2
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

In the first grade workbook, students learn to write script in the order of the complexity of the letters, beginning with straight letters, moving on to rounded ones, etc. Students write words with all the letters they have already mastered. In the second grade workbook, students begin with a quick review of letters in order of complexity, then transition to writing full words. It has many pages of Yedios Klaliyos kesivah practice. There is also an option of parshah kesivah sheets. Students master ten key words that relate the story of the parshah, while practicing to write with a neat and accurate Hebrew kesivah.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Luach Hashanah Booklet

Author: Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro

Grades 3-6
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

Students have the opportunity to independently discover, learn and review the outline of the year and the details of the Luach Hashanah in a timely manner. On Rosh Chodesh the students complete an engaging worksheet to reflect on what they learned during the previous month. They explore the upcoming month, the dates of the Yomim Tovim and Yomei Dipagra and what these days commemorate. There are cumulative reviews of Yahadus and Chassidishe Yomim Tovim. This booklet is an integral part of an integrated Yedios Klaliyos-Yahadus program.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Sefer HaMitzvos

Author: Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro

Grades 2-3
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

This child-friendly workbook gives students the opportunity to learn about mitzvos in an age-appropriate way. Engaging pictures and fun sheets familiarize students with the basics upon which they can build future understanding.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Mitzvah Maven Curriculum

Author: Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro

Grades 4-5
Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro
[email protected]

This unit is a resource to help students gear up for Chidon. Based on the units on the tests, the three booklets contain pictures and simple questions that familiarize the students with the basic knowledge that enable them to study independently for Chidon.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Jewish STEAM Curriculum

Author: Mushky Feller

Preschool & Kindergarten
Mushky Feller
[email protected]

The STEAM Curriculum for Jewish preschools is a comprehensive and detailed set of resources designed to cater to a broad range of students. Each unit includes parsha projects; literacy lessons; STEAM activities; as well as curricula for chagim and special days. Each unit is complete with detailed directions and supply lists, with minimal preparation needed. The curriculum was created by Morah Mushky Feller, M.Ed, who has taught hundreds of preschoolers and mentored dozens of teachers in her decade-plus as an educator.

Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download


Author: Rabbi Aaron Wolko

Grades 3-10
Rabbi Aaron Wolko
[email protected]
+1 (646) 883 4933

TorahVR currently covers every Mitzvah of the Beis Hamikdash and all Jewish holidays with a 10-30 minute Virtual Reality experience on each one. TorahVR is now working on a Tanach curriculum Bez’H.

Created by a Chabad educator
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Jewish Art

Author: Rivky Hoch

Grades 4 – 12
Rivky Hoch
[email protected]

Bring creativity to your classroom for Yomim Tovim and special days! All inclusive 1 hour painting activities. Complete with supplies + video tutorial sent directly to your location! Calming, energizing, and uses a different skill set than day to day learning.

101$ – 250$
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download and Hard copy

Ksivah Clicks

Author: Sima Susskind

Kindergarten – 1st grade
Sima Susskind
[email protected]

Ksivah Clicks introduces Hebrew script writing through 27 fun, engaging, multi- activity writing packets. Includes cute poems available in English and Yiddish. 

Teacher Training included.

500$ +
Created by a Chabad educator
Digital download

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