Toldos Chabad

Toldos Chabad Curriculum

Grades 7-9
Chana Ashkenazi
[email protected]
WhatsApp 347-969-4977

The “My Chabad History Book” curriculum offers an engaging exploration of the lives and teachings of the founders of Chassidus and Chabad Rebbeim. Ideal for girls and boys in middle or early high school, this comprehensive program requires 2-3 periods per week. The complete teacher’s guide provides all necessary content, discussion points, and printable games and activities. Eye-catching, full-color student workbooks facilitate guided note-taking and summarizing of key learning. With a focus on fostering a deep connection to our Rebbeim and understanding the development of Chabad Chassidus, this curriculum has been successfully piloted at Beth Rivkah Crown Heights and is now utilized in over ten Chabad Schools. Contact us for samples, pricing, and additional information on this practical, discussion-based approach to Chabad history education.

Includes comprehensive teacher’s guide and full-color student workbook

Created by a Chabad educator
Hard copy

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