Kashrus Student Workbook
High school https://a.co/d/3n1Z0pv Mushkie Gurevitz ymgurevitz@gmail.com 312-824-1353
The Kashrus Student Workbook is an open-ended resource suitable for homework review, guided notes, chavrusah learning and collaborative groups.
The workbooks go hand in hand with the ספר פתחי הלכה, and covers the laws of בשר בחלב, מאכלי עכו”ם, חלה, הכשרת כלים, טבילת כלים and more.The focus of the workbook is on the practical application of the halachos.
Created by a Chabad educator Hard copy
Halacha Birkas Hanehanin
Grades 5 – 10 judaicresources.com/products/hilchos-birkas-hanehanin Aviana Dahan judaicresources@gmail.com 4385302241
Learn Birkas Hanehanin through the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Simanim לט-ס Beautiful slideshows Teachers guide
Created by a Chabad educator Digital download