20 06, 2024

Resource Fair Consultation

2024-07-16T11:23:08-04:00June 20, 2024|Uncategorized|

Schedule one on one time with the Resource Fair Vendors Shavi Lang, ReadBright: https://calendar.app.google/b6VcrquChgqQyLuq5  Aviana Dahan, Judaic Resources: https://calendar.app.google/FnyojLX1JALG1SxUA  Marcy Forta, Atzmi: https://calendar.app.google/UJ6UmozmfDJAbLKJ7  Nechamy Segal, Hebrew Scouts: https://calendar.app.google/dBW8q7uUdUZ5GBHt7  Michael Schachter, [...]

21 02, 2022

Menahelim Gathered in Atlanta for Menahelei Moisdos Chinuch Training Retreat

2022-02-21T16:18:36-05:00February 21, 2022|News, Uncategorized|

Twenty Menahelim from across the US met for two days in Atlanta, Georgia, for the 8th cohort of the Menachem Education Foundation’s (MEF) Menahelei Mosdos Chinuch Training Retreat. Centered on [...]

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