What is A Chassidishe Chinuch? 10 Chinuch Messages in Basi Legani

Based on Rabbi Nosson Gurary’s talk at the Yud Shevat Mechanchos Farbrengen, 5783. 

1) This world is Hashem’s favorite place. There are infinite spiritual worlds, but everything Hashem created is for this world. Therefore we need to be Mechanech ourselves and our students how wonderful life is, and how every moment is so precious!

2) Through praising someone about a quality that they have but are not currently showing, the praise itself will bring out that quality. We have to speak to every child about how precious they are to Hashem, zero in on their good qualities, praise them for those qualities, and that will bring them out.

3) We’re not here for ourselves, we’re not here for Gan Eden, we’re here for the Boss. We’re hired by Hashem to make this world His dwelling place. We have to be Mechanech ourselves and our students that it’s not about us; we’re here for Him!

4) What is Chassidus in a nutshell? In addition to teaching us how to live an act as a Yid, Chassidus focuses on “who are you?”  Do we refine our intellect? Do we refine our emotions? Who are we, and where are we? This is what Chassidus asks of us.

5) Why is Tefilla in place of Karbanos? Because there’s an animal inside each one of us! We have to work on ourselves, and bring our animal soul closer to Hashem. Chassidus came to teach us that it’s not enough to just do – we have to love Hashem, we have to fear Hashem – we have to be it, not just do it.

6) It’s essential to be Mechanech children to love Hashem, to develop a fear of Hashem, to have warmth. It’s essential for them to not only learn the meaning of the davening, but feel it as well. 

7) The Posuk of V’hinei teaches us that that Hashem is not just looking – He’s staring. And what is He looking for? “Im ovdoi karaui”- that it’s not just lip service, that it’s the real thing. Adam ki yakriv mikem – we need to be mekarev ourselves, not just our actions. Bring your heart and soul into your Avodah. 

8) Torah and Mitzvos in simple English is about being attached to Hashem. Mitzvah doesn’t just mean command, it means attachment. The attachment starts the moment that you do it, and lasts forever. 

9) Every person needs to feel that they matter, that what we do makes a difference, and that’s what Yiddishkeit is all about. With every Mitzva you do, you’re giving the Aibershter Himself infinite pleasure. We need to know how important we are, how significant we are to Hashem, and how much we matter! Your beautiful self is unique, and you just need to bring out your beautiful self, because there’s no one like you!

10) We’re in the last stages of the war before Moshiach, and Hashem entrusted us with the greatest kochos! We’re going to be the ones who are going to finish up this job.  We have to feel it ourselves, and the students have to see that the teacher is living that life. The zchus is beyond imagination, everyone from the past is looking at us!  The Rebbe himself is with us, to help us finish off this job!

2023-02-01T13:03:58-05:00February 1, 2023|Blog Post|

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