Helping Our Students Connect

י’ שבט: Helping Our Students Connect

The Rebbe wrote to teachers: “Happy is your lot that השגחה עליונה has placed you in the most fortunate position of one engaged in חינוך, which draws near the hearts of Jewish Children to our Father in Heaven.” (אגרות קודש, vol. 17, p. 313) 

As חסידישע מחנכים and מחנכות, we have the additional privilege of helping draw near the hearts of our students to our Rebbe. In honor of י’ שבת, here are practical suggestions for encouraging our students to connect to the Rebbe:  

  • Show your students your personal example of how you connect to the Rebbe and how special the Rebbe is to you.
  • Students can take turns preparing a weekly “Rebbe time” for the class, where they teach the class their favorite ניגון, or share a personal story of the Rebbe. 
  • Younger students can bring in items that show their special connection to the Rebbe – a התקשרות “show and tell” with things such as their own חת”ת, etc.
  • Play ניגונים in the classroom during independent work or centers.
  • Give opportunities to write to the Rebbe, or to draw pictures. Remind them that the Rebbe cares about everything that’s on their mind!
  • Bring students’ פנים or even מצוה notes to the אהל, and let them know that you’ve done so.
  • Arrange class פארברענגען’s and החלטות whenever possible.
  • Have students keep a “חסידות journal” to choose one idea they learned from חסידות each week and write about how they make it personal.
  • Share stories about the Rebbe involving children and teenagers.
  • For students who have special interests or talents, share stories or שיחות of the Rebbe encouraging people in that area (for example JEM’s “My Encounter”).

Be sure that you keep your own connection strong!

How will I help my students connect to the Rebbe?

2024-01-10T14:49:10-05:00January 10, 2024|Blog Post|

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