Over 400 Educators attending the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad! 7 Reasons Not to Come… Debunked by Past Participants!

In just two weeks is the 9th Annual International Kinus Mechanchos Chabad and Retreat, on July 17-18, 11-12 Tammuz. Over 400 educators have signed up already, but a few have some hesitations. What are they, and why should you attend?

1. I worked so hard all year, why should I put my teacher hat back on for another two days in the summer? This Kinus isn’t school, it’s not professional development, and it’s not just a glorified teachers room. At this Kinus, you get pampered, wined and dined, and thanked for your incredible dedication to Chinuch. So many teachers feel uplifted by the Gala Chinuch Banquet, live music (featuring the amazing Chaviva Tarlow this year with original song debuts), delicious gourmet food, swimming and exercise, friendship and camaraderie, thought provoking sessions and uplifting farbrengens. This is a retreat for body and soul, tailored to your needs as a Chabad educator!

“The kinus provided a much-needed opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation. I found myself able to unwind and recharge, which has been invaluable for my overall well-being.” Ayala Yosub, Teacher, Cheder Chabad of Florida

2. I have a baby so I need to stay home. Have you heard? There’s a fully appointed day camp on Kinus premises – for those up to 18 months! The Baby Center is staffed with dedicated babysitters, experienced supervisors, toys and more! We even have a nursing lounge with a screen to stay tuned in to the Kinus sessions while pausing to care for your baby. Last year, over 100 adorable babies were registered in the Baby Center – L’chaim to our future educators! So yes, you can confidently bring your baby along.

“I loved being able to watch the sessions from the mother lounge when my baby needed me. The babysitting was so well thought out and I loved the head babysitter! ” Ayala Fershtman, Teacher, Cheder Morristown Girls

3. Conventions? Crowds? Not for me. I’m more comfortable in my own classroom, with my own students and close-knit team of fellow teachers. Even with hundreds of people in attendance, participants have shared that this is one cozy Kinus. Who better to hang out with then a hotel full of educators? This is the warmest, loveliest bunch of people around! And don’t take it from us, hear from this participant who said they never attended conventions before – but this one felt different! “The conference has such a welcoming vibe, it feels like a warm family reunion!” Mushkie Lipsker, @evergrowingeducator.

4. It’s too expensive, how can I afford a two day retreat on my teacher’s salary? No Mechaneches left behind – that’s our motto. With tiered pricing, participants can choose to pay full cost if funding is available to help support the Kinus, or can opt in to highly subsidized rates exclusively for teachers in Chabad schools. In addition, teachers can feel comfortable to email us in case of further financial need to be handled discretely and sensitively. Whenever possible, we will try to help.

5. Who else is coming? I’m just a young new teacher OR conferences aren’t for veteran educators like me. Have you seen the photos? We have new teachers. We have veteran teachers. We have all those in between. And here are the numbers so far: 50+ of teachers attending are in their first three years, 100+ teachers have been teaching for 10-20 years, and even more have been teaching for over 20 years and are still coming to the Kinus! Whatever stage you’re in, you’re welcome.

6. How do I know it’s for me? I’m not your typical teacher – I do Day School / General Studies/ Special Ed [fill in the blank]. This Kinus has 7 concurrent tracks. Meaning that whatever your role in Chinuch, there’s something from you. There’s curated sessions for Early Childhood, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, High School, General Studies and School Leadership. And new this year is Huddles – small group discussions for niche Chinuch roles, welcoming Administrators and office staff, Extra-Curricular Directors, Curriculum Directors, Day School educators and more. Don’t see your niche on the list? Contact us! You too can claim your spot on the Kinus schedule. And check out the diverse schedule of sessions and workshops right here.

“I thought this year there was a much better track for General Studies and I appreciated that very much,” shared Yedida Wolfe, Assistant Principal, Bnos Menachem High School. “There were so many excellent workshops to choose from, I wanted to be in more than one place at a time,” said Chana Nemes, Teacher, Slater Torah Academy. And as long as you consider yourself a Chabad Mechaneches, your Chinuch in any form is Shlichus par excellence! So drink up the Rebbe’s words and the Chinuch inspiration being offered at the Banquet and farbrengens – it’s for every educator alike!

7. I’m so burnt out… I don’t think I’m going back next year. Dear educator, from the bottom of our hearts, please give Chinuch another chance. You don’t need to sign any contracts yet, just fill out the Kinus registration for now. Because you deserve it. And because you’re the reason we do this every year in the first place. Our number one testimonial received after the Kinus each year is something along these lines: “I was so burnt out from an extremely challenging school year. The kinus allowed me space to breathe, learn and refocus the importance of chinuch and my role as a Morah.” Gitty Eber, Preschool Morah, Torah Day School of Houston, Texas.

Teachers, we see you. Join the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, and let us say thank you.

Registration closes today at www.chinuchconvention.org

2024-07-04T15:02:13-04:00July 4, 2024|Blog Post, Kinus|

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