About Bayla Rutman

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So far Bayla Rutman has created 87 blog entries.
5 03, 2025

Teaching Navi: Stories, Skills, or Something Else?

2025-03-05T13:58:31-05:00March 5, 2025|Blog Post|

Hayom Yom of 19 Adar I says, “Chassidim, even those of average spiritual stature, used to be thoroughly knowledgeable (baki) in the Tanach…It was their regular custom to read chapters of Tanach while putting away their tallis and tefillin. Their schedule enabled them to complete the entire Tanach in three months.”

30 01, 2025

MEF Hosts Women’s Donor Appreciation Event

2025-01-30T12:30:47-05:00January 30, 2025|Blog Post, News|

The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) recently hosted a Women's Donor Appreciation Event to celebrate and express heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated supporters. This gathering was unique in that it was not a fundraiser, but rather a special evening devoted to acknowledging the significant contributions of MEF's women donors, whose commitment plays a crucial role in enabling their work.

10 12, 2024

Bringing the Text to Life

2024-12-10T13:09:35-05:00December 10, 2024|Blog Post|

Teaching Tip: By Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator Making texts feel more meaningful and engaging in honor of Hei Teves: This month, we celebrate the return of the seforim, and we celebrate learning. [...]

10 12, 2024

How do we keep our children from being influenced today by Western culture?

2024-12-25T12:01:02-05:00December 10, 2024|Blog Post|

The key is always adding light. Me’at ohr doche harbe choshech—a little light dispels much darkness. When we fill our homes and our children’s lives with the kedusha, light and warmth of Torah, Mitzvos, and Chassidishe chinuch, the influences of the outside world naturally fade away.

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