Veshinantam Program Brings Torah to Life

The new “Veshinantam” program from Menachem Education Foundation is bringing Torah learning to life for students at schools across the country.

In Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles, students now start each day singing a song in Yiddish that states their intent to go learn “the Aibershter’s Torah, our holy mesorah…”

Fifth grade girls in Philadelphia play Rashi Jeopardy to grow accustomed to thinking in terms of Rashi’s question, not just answer. In Pittsburgh, passports, picture galleries, and “Shroggle” games have all become exciting tools for students to reinforce the Chumash skills of comprehension, summarizing, and more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]These schools are all part “Veshinantam,” the Menachem Education Foundation’s new program to bring Torah learning to life. While this year’s program covered these skills under the theme of “Chumash Explorer”, for the coming year, schools will focus on milim, trop and other aspects of the mesorah of Chumash as “Torah Architexts.”

“The custom materials were very creative in the way they integrated the lessons and themes in an exciting way,” says Mrs.Nami Friedman, assistant principal in Pittsburgh. “I felt that they were really there for us. Veshinantam has increased the rigor and organization in our instruction.”

A two day training in Pittsburgh on May 23-24 / 15-16 Iyar will be open to all educators who would like to learn more about this topic, while serving as an orientation for Veshinantam at the same time. The program aims to unite schools committed to increasing the success of their students in Chumash learning through focusing on another area each year, through training for teachers and inspiring activities for students.

Additional videos of the learning in action can be viewed at Spaces for the training are filling up fast, so interested schools should sign up today, or contact [email protected] / 718-663-7215 for more information.

2024-02-15T15:03:55-05:00May 4, 2016|News|

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