Teach for Lubavitch2025-01-21T12:49:51-05:00

A Teacher Training Shlichus Program for Post-Sem Lubavitch Women

Mission Statement

Teach for Lubavitch will offer aspiring Mechanchos a year-long teaching job as they will be placed in Chabad schools across North America. Along with on-site mentorship and support, the program offers a comprehensive online teacher training program, empowering participants to make a meaningful impact in Chabad schools.


This is a unique opportunity for young women to apply the learning and inspiration that they have gained in their schooling, and to invest in the future of our community while still learning and growing in a supported Chassidishe environment. This will prepare young women for a lifetime of success in the important world of Chinuch.

In the Rebbe’s Words

מתוך מכתב הרבי מנר ראשון דחנוכה ‏ה׳תשי״ח

קריאתי ובקשתי לכל אנ״ש, וביחוד להצעירים, שיחיו – אשר כל אחד ואחת מהם יבחון את עצמו, באם מסוגל הוא לעבודה בחינוך בני ובנות ישראל. וכיוון שאדם קרוב אצל עצמו, ויכול לטעות בחשבון, יתייעץ עם המומחים בעניין זה. ואלו אשר כשרון להם בדבר, ישתדלו ככל הדרוש להסתדר באופן שיוכלו לעסוק בגופם ממש בעניני חינוך, ז.א. (זאת אומרת) בתור מורים/ות, מדריכים/ות, מנהלי בתי ספר וכיו״ב.׳

המורם מכל הנ״ל, אשר כל מי שיש סברא, שמסוגל הוא להיות מורה ומורה, מבקש הנני אותו/אותה להתחיל לחפש תיכף דרך ואופן איך שאפשר יהיה לנצל כשרונו/כשרונה בשטח זה, ובמידה הכי גדולה , שהרי דרישת השעה והכרח השעה היא.׳

המצפה לבשורות טובות בכל האמור וחותם בברכת הצלחה מופלגה לכל המשתתפים על פי האמור, הם וכל בני ביתם
שיחיו -יעמדו על הברכה בגשמיות וברוחניות גם יחד.׳

In a 1957 Chanukah letter, the Rebbe urges Anash and young people to focus on the vital role of kosher education, especially during a time crucial for the future Jewish youth. The Rebbe calls on everyone, especially the young, to assess their abilities and consider becoming teachers, guides, or school principals. The Rebbe emphasizes that this is the demand and necessity of the hour, encouraging individuals to illuminate their surroundings with the light of Torah and Chasiddus, bringing success both physically and spiritually.

Participants Dedicate:

    • A full year of teaching.
    • Thoughtful lesson planning and preparation.
    • Weekly collaboration with a teaching mentor.
    • Active participation in online teacher training courses.
    • Enthusiastic involvement in on-site Shiurim and farbrengens.
    • Attendance at a monthly program-wide zoom meeting.
    • An admission fee of $500.

Participants Attain:

    • A salaried position.
    • Real-life teaching experience.
    • Comfortable room and board in a warm Chabad setting.
    • Engaging weekly Shiurim and farbrengens.
    • Access to enriching online teacher training.
    • Guided on-site teacher mentoring.
    • Accreditation.
    • Valuable hands-on Shlichus experience.

My Host School

My Host School

  • Teaching positions will be in grades 1 through 8.
  • Teaching 20 hours per week. 
  • Schools will provide an on-site mentor to meet and plan lessons. 
  • Program participants will be assigned two additional responsibilities monthly, this will enable the participant to experience different aspects of Chinuch leadership. 
  • Financial compensation will be determined by each individual school, starting at approximately $1,200 per month. 
  • Each school will host approximately 3-6 program participants.
  • Each school will provide 2 roundtrip tickets within the USA. 

My Accreditation

My Accreditation

  • Credits will be granted for online teacher training courses.
  • Credits will be granted for in-person Chassidus classes twice a week. 
  • Classroom teaching will be used towards credits.
  • Credits will be granted for in-person 2-3 day seminars prior to the start of school and once during the course of the school year. 
  • Credits will be granted for participation in Kinus Hamechanchos workshops.
  • Up to 30 credits will be granted for the year. 

My Teacher Training

My Teacher Training

  • The teacher mentors will be professionals chosen from the local Chabad community who understand the culture of the school.
  • MEF will choose the courses to ensure that they are directly related to practical teaching.
  • All courses will be based on Torah and Chassidus according to Chabad Hashkafa. 
  • A farbrengen and shiurim will take place weekly. 
  • Opportunities will be provided to participate in community events.

My Life as a Chinuch Shlucha

My Life as a Chinuch Shlucha

  • Schools will provide comfortable accommodations.
  • Shabbos Meals will take place in an appropriate Chassidishe environment. 
  • The highest standards of Kashrus will be kept.
  • Weekly Schedule: 
    1. 20 hours of teaching 
    2. 2 hours of Teacher Training – twice weekly
    3. Weekly homework related to each of the courses.  
    4. 2 hours of being mentored 
    5. 1 hour of Shiurim in Person – twice weekly
    6. Up to 5 hours a week of additional school responsibilities
    7. Daily and weekly lesson preparation and planning

Teach for Lubavitch Application

Applications for Teach For Lubavitch close on י"א ניסן - April 19th.

Registration Steps for Teach for Lubavitch:

  1. Fill out the online application form and pay the fee.
  2. Wait for the scheduling of an interview with Morah Tiechtel.
  3. Once accepted, you'll receive the registration form via email. Submit it with the fee.
  4. Sign and submit provided contracts and guidebook.
  5. Receive information on mandatory training dates.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 6 - Personal Information

Personal Information

Full Legal Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Attach a picture of yourself.*
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Attach a picture of your passport or form of ID.*
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.


Where am I going to live?2024-04-02T15:46:57-04:00

Schools will provide comfortable accommodations in a warm community and chassidishe environment. 

How many hours will I be teaching?2024-04-02T15:47:00-04:00

This will be dependent on your specific position. Generally, you will be teaching for 20 hours a week.

Who is going to help me prepare for class?2024-04-02T15:47:04-04:00

Every school will have an on-site mentor to meet and plan with you for class.

Will I have any other school obligations other than teaching?2024-04-02T15:47:10-04:00

The school principal will assign 2 additional responsibilities in the school each month, to give you varied experiences in Chinuch.

What is the general weekly schedule?2024-04-02T15:47:29-04:00
  1. 20 hours of teaching 
  2. 2 hours of mentoring 
  3. 1 hour of Shiurim in Person – twice weekly
  4. 2 hours of Teacher Training – twice weekly
  5. Up to 5 hours a week of additional school responsibilities
  6. Daily and weekly lesson preparation and planning
  7. Weekly homework for teacher training courses
How much is my teaching salary?2024-04-02T15:47:27-04:00

This varies per school, starting at approximately $1,200 per month. The school will also be covering all of your basic living expenses, including rent, food and transportation.

How many girls will I be with?2024-04-02T15:47:22-04:00

Every school will host 2-4 teachers.

How will we be placed in jobs?2024-01-09T10:45:58-05:00
  1. MEF staff will be interviewing teachers, reviewing applications, and placing teachers in the participating schools. 
  2. Applicants will be able to choose their first choice and second choice of preference of which school / location to work in.
  3. Applicants will be able to request up to 3 friends to be placed with and we will attend to honor at least one.
Who would I contact throughout the year with my personal needs?2024-01-09T10:46:26-05:00
  1. For challenges and support with your teaching, you will have a designated mentor in school.
  2. For personal support and needs, you will have a designated local representative who will look after your living conditions and overall well being.
  3. For questions and concerns regarding the teacher training, courses, homework, etc., course instructors are available to you.
  4. For any additional issues, Teach for Lubavitch staff is always there for you to ensure that your placement is going smoothly.
I am ready to apply; what is the application process?2024-04-09T15:12:28-04:00

Registration Steps for Teach for Lubavitch:

    1. Fill out the online application form and pay the fee.
    2. Wait for the scheduling of an interview with Morah Tiechtel.
    3. Once accepted, you’ll receive the registration form via email. Submit it with the fee.
    4. Sign and submit provided contracts and guidebook.
    5. Receive information on mandatory training dates.
Which courses do I have to take?2024-01-22T13:16:50-05:00
  1. 3 teacher training courses per semester, (consisting of 50 minutes for each course of online learning, homework and assignments)
  2. 2 Chassidus shiurim (an hour for each course, twice a week)
Which in-person programs do I have to attend?2024-01-09T10:48:11-05:00
  1. 2-3 days of in person training in the summer before the beginning of the school year 
  2. 2-3 days of training  mid-year  
  3. End of year Kinus Mechanchos
How can I ensure that this will be in a Chassidishe Environment?2024-01-22T13:23:55-05:00
  1. The teacher mentors will be professionals chosen from the local Chabad community who understand the culture of the school.
  2. MEF will pick the courses to ensure it is directly related to practical teaching and all based on Taharas Hakodesh. 
  3. There will be weekly farbrengens and Shiruim to keep you inspired. 
  4. Shabbos Meals will all be in a comfortable Chassidishe environment. 
  5. The highest standards of Kashrus will be provided.
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