Teacher Appreciation Is More Than Just One Week

Schools around the world celebrated “Teacher Appreciation Day” last week. All around the world, teachers were gifted with breakfasts, teacher mugs, scented candles, and chocolates. But if you ask any teacher what their “favorite” gift is, chances are they will say, “The cards.”

The cards written by parents that express the growth they’ve seen in their children.
The note written by the middle school student letting their teacher know how much they appreciate their lessons.
The illegible scribbles of crayon from toddlers who explain “That’s Morah and that’s Me.”

Although “Teacher Appreciation Week” might be over, expressing Hakaras Hatov is a value for every week of the year. Here’s a chance to bring that “thank you card” to the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad and Kinus Mechanchim Chabad this summer, held by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF). A major goal of the Kinus is to celebrate and recognize our educators, and especially so this year, when the theme of the Kinus is “Chinuch with Joy!”

Do you have a happy Chinuch moment to share? Something that uplifted you or your child? A Thank You to share with a teacher or principal? Here’s your chance to thank educators AND inspire others to go into this special field! You can fill in your story or Thank You of any length at mymef.org/celebrate.

Teachers and principals can also fill out this form, sharing their happy Chinuch moment and why they are so thrilled to be in Chinuch. Just choose your role from the drop down menu and submit your Happy Chinuch response!

At the heart of each community is the Chinuch for the children. And at the heart of each Chinuch institution are the educators who make the school what it is. Join us in celebrating teachers and principals worldwide, and submit your Happy Chinuch moment at mymef.org/celebrate today!

(For more information about the Kinus, visit www.chinuchconvention.org.)

2024-05-21T12:42:15-04:00May 21, 2024|News|

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