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Whether you’re looking for extra reading or reference charts to better understand key Chumash skills; or posters, flashcards and creative activities to help reinforce these skills for your students, you’ll find it here!
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The prices you see are for a school license, allowing a principal to purchase each resource once for use throughout their school (and not to share with other schools). If you are an individual teacher and would like to purchase a product for your own classroom only at a lower price, please email [email protected] for a coupon code
These two activities delve into Standard 5.6 – Summarizing Rashi, which requires students to a) summarize Rashi in their own words, demonstrating an integrated understanding of what Rashi is trying to tell us, and b) to explain the posuk in their own words according to the explanation of Rashi. By creating an Interpolated Chumash for the posuk or pesukim being learned, students will experience how Rashi expands and clarifies the meaning of the text of Torah. The Rashi Report achieves a similar effect using a different modality by requiring students to orally report on what has taken place in the posuk by pretending to be radio reporters, and incorporating Rashi’s commentary while doing so. This download includes templates, samples and other suggestions for teaching this skill.