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Risha Majeski, Chayale Neuhaus Headline 8th Gala Chinuch Banquet

The 8th Annual Gala Chinuch Banquet, scheduled to take place at the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad on 20 Av / August 7, at the Hilton Stamford Hotel and Executive Meeting Center, is the largest event that celebrates Chabad Chinuch.

Through moving presentations, musical performances and multimedia productions, the Gala Chinuch Banquet honors Chabad women educators for the vital role they play in the lives of thousands of children.

With over 500 Mechanchos from around the world registered to attend the upcoming 8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos, the Menachem Education Foundation and Committee of the Kinus Mechanchos, invites those passionate about Chinuch to attend the gala event.
Register for the event at

The Chinuch Banquet will feature Mrs. Risha Majeski, Renowned Educator and Principal of Bais Chana High School in Phoenix, AZ, as keynote speaker. With her passion for Chassidishe Chinuch, and ability to bring Chinuch ideals into practical everyday teaching, Mrs. Majeski will address the crowd on “הזורעים בדמעה ברנה יקצורו: Avodas HaChinuch: Anticipating a Bountiful Harvest.” 

Singer and Songwriter, Chayale Neuhaus, will provide Mechanchos with a spectacular musical performance, that will feature a new release related to the theme of the Kinus Mechanchos, “V’kovei Hashem Yachlifu Koach,” and “Bridging Souls: A Teacher-Student Duet.” 

As Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. Rivky Katz, teacher at Cheder Chabad of Florida, will lead the program with her passion and energy for Chabad Chinuch. Video productions by Dovid Weinbaum will honor Mechanchos for the powerful difference that Mechanchos make, and a Chinuch roll call will recognize Mechanchos who are joining from all corners of the world. 

With a gourmet menu by Turk Catering and details arranged by Alyson Feldman, of FFH Eventsthe Gala Banquet will leave Mechanchos feeling proud and honored to be involved in Chinuch, the most important shlichus of our times.

The presentations and productions of the banquet will also be livestreamed on COLlive for women and girls to enjoy and gain inspiration about Chinuch. 

Chinuch farbrengens will follow, with Mrs. Chanie Wolf, principal of Bais Rivkah Seminary in Crown Heights, on Educating Hashem’s Children: Navigating Chinuch Today, and Mrs. Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW, ACSW, CIMPH, leading a musically inspired farbrengen “Nurturing Yourself to Nurture Others.” 

With the full two day program and hotel stay already booked by Mechanchos from around the world, interested educators can still sign up for the Gala Chinuch Banquet, daytime sessions, and Zoom track on 


2023-07-28T11:57:28-04:00July 28, 2023|News|

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