Chinuch UnPaused

Chinuch UnPaused2020-12-06T23:07:51-05:00

Education has faced its most daunting crisis in our times with this year’s school shutdown and subsequent challenges. When the whole world pressed pause, Chabad Chinuch pressed play. In this publication, we tell the story of countless educators who turned crisis into opportunity, and never put Chinuch on hold. You’ll also read about how MEF supported them so that Chabad Chinuch could not only survive, but thrive.

As we emerge from crisis, we face the need and the opportunity to come back stronger than ever. Please consider donating to MEF’s annual Charidy matching campaign, to fuel the momentum and ensure the best possible Chinuch for all of our children, today and always. Donate here, today through Wednesday, Dec. 9 / 23 Kislev:

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