Registration Opens for Kinus Mechanchim

The dates and location for this year’s much-anticipated Kinus HaMechanchim have finally been revealed. Scheduled for כ”ה – כ”ו תמוז, July 31st – August 1st, the event will be hosted at the picturesque Sleepy Hollow Hotel in Tarrytown, New York, just 1 hour north of Crown Heights. Organized for the first time as a collaboration between the Merkos Chinuch Office and the Menachem Education Foundation, this year’s Kinus promises to be a landmark event under the theme, “לקרב לבן של ישראל לאביהם שבשמים – Igniting Hearts, Nurturing Minds,” focusing on our sacred Shlichus of deepening our students’ relationships with Hashem.

The Kinus HaMechanchim has always been a highlight of many Chabad educators’ summers, and this year’s gathering is set to surpass expectations with enhanced programs and services. Attendees can look forward to keynote addresses by renowned Rabbanim, who will share their wisdom and insights, setting the tone for an enriching experience. Interactive workshops and panel discussions will address the current challenges and opportunities in Chabad Chinuch, providing practical tools and innovative strategies to educators.

One of the standout features of this year’s Kinus is the emphasis on Achdus and collaboration. Ample networking opportunities will allow Mechanchim to connect, share experiences, and forge meaningful relationships. This spirit of Sheves Achim Gam Yachad is crucial for fostering a supportive community that can collectively advance Chabad Chinuch across North America and worldwide.

Further details about the event will be announced soon, but the excitement is already palpable. The Kinus Hamechanchim will be produced by Mrs. A. Feldman of FFH Events. The Vaad HaKinus, including Rabbi Nochum Kaplan as Chairman, along with Rabbis Mendel Blau, Yossi Denberg, Yossi Rosenblum, and Yosef Simpson, are working diligently to craft an unforgettable experience. Program Director Rabbi Mendel Moscowitz, alongside the dedicated Kinus HaMechanchim Committee, is orchestrating a dynamic and impactful Kinus for all.

Registration is now open! Visit to join fellow Mechanchim who share your mission of ensuring the utmost success for their Tamidim.

Kinus Hamechanchim Committee:
Rabbi Menachem Amar
Rabbi Reuven Deray
Rabbi Mannis Frankel
Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel
Rabbi Shmary Gurary
Rabbi Shmuly Gniwisch
Rabbi Avraham Granat
Rabbi Zalmen Shimon Itkin
Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Rabbi Menachem Kirschenbaum
Rabbi Yisroel Langsam
Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig
Rabbi Sruli Menkes
Rabbi Avremi Popack
Rabbi Shmuel Reinetz
Rabbi Yechiel Schanowitz
Rabbi Yossi Touger
Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm


2024-06-18T10:28:10-04:00June 18, 2024|News|

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