Project TOMiM is a curriculum for personal growth that brings the treasures of Chassidus to life for our students, in a way that will allow them to unpack its application to our emotional state, interactions with others, and impact on the world around us. This curriculum has been reviewed and endorsed by leading Mechanchim and Mashpiim, with the guidance of psychologists to ensure that only the most effective, research based tools and strategies are included. You can now implement Year 1 of Project Tomim in your Yeshiva or Day School!
Targeting grades 3-5.
Successfully piloted in 10 schools throughout North America!
Introductory cost: $250 per teacher | $33 per student.
Why SEL and Why Now?
The foremost challenges facing our students today is social emotional learning (SEL). Jewish education and specifically Chassidus has always prioritized inner growth and character building, but our research and experience has shown that this is a skill set that can no longer be taken for granted. Here’s why:
- The Foundation of Jewish Education: Children who are lacking in a social-emotional sphere are compromised in their ability to connect deeply with their Jewish identity.
- A Safe Environment: A school environment where students and staff members are sensitized to social-emotional needs is a safer and more positive environment in which a child can thrive.
- Home and World Influences: We can no longer take for granted that students arrive at school with basic social-emotional competencies already in place. Increased exposure to secular media, technology and information overload, has led to greater anxiety and diminished wholesomeness in children’s lives.
- Existing Programs Not Enough: Many existing programs lack one or more of these elements: a) a proactive, as opposed to reactive, approach to social-emotional health and awareness; b) Torah sources, values and language; c) transfer and lasting impact; and d) consideration of broader school culture.
- Mental Health Hygiene/Prevention: While mental health challenges, currently on the rise, are the domain of mental health professionals, by building emotional health early on in a child’s life we can prevent many of the complications that may take place further down the line.

Hear from
Project TOMiM Teachers
Project TOMiM is a high-quality, engaging and interactive program, based on the teachings of Chassidus, that will give children tools to help them navigate in their daily interactions with their family and friends, as they gain an understanding of themselves.
I taught Project TOMiM for two years and I found it organized, relevant and practical! I loved the discussions it generated in our middle school class. My students were engaged and I saw how they really thought about what they were learning; I actually saw a change in their attitude and behavior.
Social and emotional learning is such a vital part of what a Talmid needs to find success in life, learning and in his own connection to Hashem.
The lessons are clear and well thought out and the PowerPoints are student friendly. My students have shared some personal incidents where they jumped into a positive mode using the Train Reaction they learned about in this curriculum.
Serving Hashem each day, in a happy, healthy way!
Curriculum for Year 1 Includes:
2 Units, 25 Lessons
Clear Teachers’ Guide
Powerpoints and Multimedia
Interactive Workbook and Journal
Live Teacher Support
Download your sample lesson today!