Ohel Visit, 30 Workshops on Day 1 of Mechanchos Kinus

Over 550 educators gathered for the 9th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, starting at the Ohel and continuing with workshops, learning sessions, laughter, conversations, and huddles at the Hilton Stamford Hotel and Executive Meeting Center. 

The 9th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad began at the Ohel with Rabbi Shmuel Lew delivering inspiring words to the Mechanchos. Mrs. Batsheva Deren, member of the Vaad Chinuch, then read the Pan Klali, signed by over nine hundred educators. 

Following this, teachers were greeted at the Hilton Stamford Hotel and Executive Meeting Center with a series of fun and joyous activities that connected back to the Kinus theme of “כי בשמחה תצאו – Chinuch with Joy!”

Rabbi Yossi Marlow gave opening remarks at the welcoming lunch unpacking the theme of “Chinuch with Joy”, followed by a Teacher Confessions game as an icebreakerOther workshops, led by leading Mechanchos and Chinuch  experts, took place throughout the day, including:  “Understanding Why Our Students Do What They Do” with Henny Bartfield MS.ED, “Tools for Teaching with Meaning and Positivity,” with Rebbetzin Yehudis Golshevsky, “The Foundations of Kriah: Oisios, Nekudos, and Blending,” with Mrs Shternie Matusof.

In addition, meaningful conversations and exchange of ideas took place in facilitated networking sessions. New for this year, “Huddles” featured small group discussions tailored for niche roles in Chinuch. Groups included curriculum directors, general studies educators, Bnos Chabad, Administrators, and others.

To stay updated on The Kinus Mechanochos Chabad follow us on instagram @menachemeducation


2024-07-23T12:06:50-04:00July 23, 2024|News|

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