Kinus Mechanchos Gala Highlights Passion for Chinuch

Excited energy and a celebratory spirit filled the air at the 8th Annual Gala Chinuch Banquet at the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, as 500 educators gathered for an evening of Chinuch inspiration and empowerment.

The program began with a musical presentation by Chayala Neuhaus, Singer and Songwriter, called “Thank You Morah,” which welcomed Mechanchos to the banquet with tremendous Hakaras Hatov for everything that they do for their students.

Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. Rivky Katz, Teacher at Cheder Chabad of Florida, introduced the program with her signature passion and energy for Chinuch. To represent Mechanchos of every stage in their Shlichus of Chinuch, Devorah Leah Smith, who is about to begin her second year teaching, led the recital of the Rebbe’s Kapital.

Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Founder and Executive Director of the Menachem Education Foundation, who organizes the Kinus Mechanchos every year, shared impactful stories of Chinuch that have spread over multiple generations. He profusely thanked the Mechanchos for their dedication to today’s children, and the Kinus Mechanchos team who worked tirelessly to make the Kinus happen.

Chayala Neuhoas performed “Bridging Souls: A Teacher-Student Duet” which moved Mechanchos to tears, as the song brought to life the everyday question-answer interactions in the classroom, and how they guide the lives and futures of their students.

Mechanchos were treated to a keynote address by Mrs. Risha Majesky, Principal of Beis Chana High School in Phoenix, AZ. In her talk, “Avodas HaChinuch: Anticipating a Bountiful Harvest,” she spoke about her shlichus in Chinuch which has spanned over many years, and the impact that it has left on countless students, who have chosen to lead their lives as proud Chassidishe mothers, who are themselves giving a lasting Chinuch to the next generation. She tied in the message of Chof Av, and highlighted the unique Mesiras Nefesh of today’s Mechanchos.

“The Difference You Make,” a professional multimedia production, produced by Dovid Weinbaum, brought to life real-life Chinuch success stories submitted by Mechanchos that also incorporated the Rebbe’s timeless messages about education.

Rochie Sandhaus, Principal of Bais Chaya Mushka in Crown Heights, led a spirited Mechanchos Roll Call. Mechanchos from six continents were in attendance, and the crowd cheered for their locations.

Medley and dancing led by Chayala Neuhaus followed the roll call, and Mechanchos united hand in hand as they celebrated Chinuch with one another.

The Menachem Education Foundation would like to extend their deepest thanks to Alyson Feldman of FFH Events, Sara Varon of MEF, and Dovid Weinbaum of DW Productions, and producer of the banquet, for arranging a once-in-a-lifetime impactful experience for Mechanchos.


2023-08-10T15:03:57-04:00August 10, 2023|News|

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