MEF Teacher Recommended Books

With Hei Teves coming up, how can you make an informed decision about which books to bring into your home and classroom? We asked teachers to share their best books and here’s a list of their recommendations!

Thank you to the Mechanchos who contributed to this list:

Nechama Dina Goldenberg, Cheder Menachem, New Jersey
Kesem Mia Hetsrony, Bais Chana High School Delaware
Bryna Horvitz, Bais Chaya Mushka, Crown Heights
Chaya Katz, Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA
Mushka Lishner, Bais Chaya Mushka, Crown Heights
Rivka Gitel Resin, Lubavitch Girls High School, Chicago, IL
Chaya Wilhelm, Lubavitch Hebrew Academy, Margate, FL


In Hashem’s Hands
“This is an amazing book that teaches kids about having Bitachon in Hashem.”
Author: Noami Gross
Publisher: Judaica Press

From Wheat to Challah
“This series is excellent for use in class when teaching about different Yomim Tovim and Shabbos. Titles in the series include ‘From Olives to Oil,’ ‘From Bees to Honey,’ and more.”
Author: Meish Goldish
Publisher: Menucha Publishers

If I Went to the Moon
“This book explains the idea of ‘Dirah B’tachtonim’ in a way that is imaginative and accessible for children.”
Author: Sara Blau
Publisher: Hachai Publishing

The One and Only
“This is a new book from Hachai Publishing about the concept of ‘Ein Od Milvado,’ beautifully written for children.”
Author: Sarah Maddali
Publisher: Hachai Publishing

A Car That Goes Far
“This story teaches children about the mitzvah of caring for others in a relatable and inspiring way.”
Author: Yael Mermelstein
Publisher: Hachai Publishing

Let’s Go on Mivtzoim
“This is a great book for kids, describing the experience of going on Mivtzoim. The back of the book includes a short summary explaining each of the ten Mivtzoim, along with details about the campaigns initiated by the Rebbe.”
Author: Levi Hodakov
Publisher: Hachai Publishing

What is a Farbrengen?
“This rhyming book, based on Chassidus, explains to kids what a Farbrengen is. It features laminated pages and beautiful illustrations.”
Author: Rabbi Shlomo Zimmerman
Publisher: BSD Publishers


Sara the Bucket Filler
“This empowering book introduces a wonderful concept that children can refer to as they navigate social struggles or relationship challenges in any setting. Other titles in the series including Benny the Bucket Filler, and My Bucket Filling Journal.”
Author: Rivka Fishman
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers

Bold and Brave
Bold and Brave is a suspenseful historical fiction novel that puts children inside of the Chanukah story and keeps them at the edge of their seats.”
Author: Shainy Peysin
Publisher: Hachai

The Great Potato Plan
“This historical fiction set during Russian persecution has a relatable, fun and insightful plot, leaving kids empowered about how they can overcome challenges.”
Author: Joy Nelkin Wieder
Publisher: Hachai

Mendy from Australia
The newest book in the “Young Lamplighters” series, which interviews adorable and relatable children around the world, teaching children about Shlichus and fascinating facts at the very same time.”
Author: Chana Oirechman, Ella Verzov
Publisher: Menucha Publisher

The Marvelous Mix-Up
The Marvelous Mix Up is a humorous, yet thought provoking tale which takes children back to the times of the Shtetl in Russia. In this fictional novel, the children gain insight on what it’s like to be in another person’s shoes and experience their hardships. Many good Middos and lessons are learned in a light, relaxed way.”

Author: Ruchama King Feuerman
Publisher: Hachai Publishing

Rabbi Yochanan, the Amoraim Series
“A sequel to the highly recommended Tanaim series, the Amoraim Series presents engaging biographies in an illustrated comic format, that even adults will want to read, but will keep kids turning the pages.”
Author: Rabbi Meir Lamberski
Publisher: Feldheim

Mimi In the Middle
“A delightful series about a relatable young girl going through the struggles of day to day life, in a well-written and thought-provoking novel.”
Author: Chanie Altein
Judaica Press

Once Upon a Journey
True stories of hidden Tzaddikim, famous leaders, and simple Jews based on the Frierdiker Rebbe’s Memoirs, bringing this classic to life in a way that younger readers can access.”
Author: Rabbi Zalman Ruderman
Publisher: BSD Publishers

Take Me to the Holy Land
“This wonderful book describes the main sights of Eretz Yisroel with stories and historical context, making the journey come alive for readers.”
Author: Tsivia Yanofsky
Publisher: Mesorah Publications


Let My Nation Begin
“This incredible series presents the stories of the Torah, weaving together all the Midrashim into a narrative that is engaging and enriching.”
Author: Yosef Deutsch
Publisher: Feldheim

The Strasbourg Saga
“This historical series of novels takes readers through Jewish history, offering a vivid portrayal of the challenges faced by our people during different periods of time.”
Author: Avner Gold
Publisher: Mesorah Publications

Conversations with Zaidy
“This compelling book explains the truth of the Torah and Emunah. It is written as a story, making it an enjoyable and easy read.”
Author: Robert Kremnizer
Publisher: Simcha Press

The Rebbe’s Children
“This inspiring collection includes short, powerful lessons from the Rebbe directed to Yeshiva students.”
Author: Rabbi Shmuli Zalmanov

“This book shares stories of chassidim and their Mesiras Nefesh, inspiring a strong sense of Yiras Shamayim and a desire to follow their example.”
Author: Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman
Publisher: Chamah

2025-01-03T10:19:06-05:00January 3, 2025|Blog Post|

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